Title "The starting point of reform" (October 25)
starting point for reform
(Acts 3:1-10)
(1) Reform begins with repentance.
Repentance is not necessarily just about sin. Renewing one's faith, reflecting on it, and always renewing it, must have repentance (...). Without the faith of repentance, the faith only becomes hardened. Then it becomes formal faith. The vitality is exhausted.(…) Protestantism is about repenting of decaying and corrupting sins and renewing formal and superficial faith.
(2) Maintaining the essence of faith is the beginning of reform.
(…) We worship by faith, and by faith we establish our lives before God. As I always say, church life without faith, prayer without faith, and good deeds without faith are nothing but shells. The foundation of our faith life is faith. The foundation of our faith life is faith. It is faith in Jesus Christ as the only Savior.
⑶ Reform begins with a change in my life.
(…) If the heart is full, we cannot remain where we were yesterday. Today's position must be different. Look at the cripple today. He came to the beautiful gate on the back of another person, but could not enter the temple. But today, they come into the temple while running and walking. It has changed from a begging rim life to a life praising God. Without it, you become numb. Even if you come to church, say hello to many people. Let us know your richness and true beauty. The joy of meeting comes and prayer comes out. If you don't, you become insensitive. Insensitivity is a curse. The Reformation was the grace of God that awakened the pain of insensitive times. Amen.