Title: The Thought God Uses
Content The Thought God Uses
God Uses Faith and Thought
Our problem is a matter of thought
A paradigm shift in life:
From thought to spiritual perception, from closure to self-expression
Development of Thoughts Following Spiritual Perception
The daily task is to overcome the limits of thinking
We do not live according to our thoughts, we live according to the direction of the Holy Spirit
Let others experience me and enjoy the process. (Prescription)
1. The teaching and direction of the Holy Spirit
Have an obedient mind.
Accept the counsel and thoughts of the Holy Spirit.
Creative ideas from the Holy Spirit solve problems.
The quality of life depends on the creative ideas of the Holy Spirit.
Looking forward to grace and miracles.
The grace of the Holy Spirit is embraced boldly and resolutely
2. Separation of mind and spirit
must be reconciled after separation
Thoughts must come through the soul (spiritual life)
The heart must be born again (salvation) and the mind must be changed (change)
Thoughts come from the Spirit
salvation and change
Sanctification is a change of thinking
We are all in the process of change
Thoughts Connected with the Holy Spirit Dispel Fatigue and Strengthen
(The mind of the Spirit is life and peace)
Thoughts that are not according to God's will are Satan's strongholds.
3. Humility and Patience
Live according to the feeling of eternal life.
Meekness is an attitude of heeding the voice of the Holy Spirit
People can be divided into those who are meek and those who are not.
The Way to Change Your Mind: Put on Humility and Patience.
tolerate in love
4. Because of the blood of the cross
7 thoughts to always do
I was forgiven because of the blood of Jesus on the cross.
Because of the blood of Jesus on the cross, I forgive and live in peace.
Because of the blood of Jesus on the cross, I am healthy.
Because of the blood of Jesus on the cross, I am blessed and live a successful life.
Because of the blood of Jesus on the cross, I live in heaven.
Because of Jesus, I live only by the grace of God.
Because of Jesus, I become the light and salt of the world.
. Live in the optimism of grace and the fullness of life.
Blood, filling of the Holy Spirit, walking by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of grace
Think positive
the thought of a miracle
God's Thought (The Whole Armor of God)
5. Enjoy a life that depends on grace (controlled).
Forgiveness of sins, justification, sanctification, timely help, completion of maturity
6. Thoughts to change
Thoughts of concern - thoughts of gratitude
critical thinking - understanding thinking
negative thoughts - positive thoughts
lustful thoughts - holy thoughts
timid thoughts - bold thoughts,
Thoughts of hate and rejection - thoughts of love and acceptance
Indolent Thoughts - Awake and Pray Thoughts
Fearful Thoughts - Thoughts of Trust in God
carnal thoughts - spiritual thoughts
Hatred, feelings of inferiority, guilt, fear - thoughts that only look at God and relate only to God
Thoughts that depend on one's own merit - Thoughts that depend on God's grace
I am doing well.
God alone is enough to lead a happy life.
7. Let's depend on grace and live in anticipation of miracles
no-nonsense thinking
Let us trust in the grace that sanctifies
Open your heart and let's talk
Don't criticize rashly, let's get into the habit of speaking mildly
Leave your relationship issues to God
Let's overcome the limits of thinking with faith
To be honest, I feel confident.
Today itself is a miracle
Leave broken relationships to God
express empathy
8. Thoughts that focus on the positive
thoughts based on words
What you think is more important than what happened
People, environments, and events are given by the Holy Spirit for educational purposes
It is important to realize the spiritual lessons the Holy Spirit gives us in the event.
It doesn't really matter what happened. The question is how to react
is to choose it right.
9. Broaden your mind
lower the receptacle
Distinguish between other people's problems and mine
enjoy the process