Title "The Three Rivers Five Ryun" (May 10)
three rivers
(Ephesians 6: 1-7)
(…) May is the season when God especially speaks deeply about the family. When you read the Bible, you realize how important the family is.(…) We became people in the family, and we became husbands, mothers, and grandfathers. Home is the home of faith, hope, and love for all of us. But in our day, the family is at risk.(…) The world depends on the family and the church. A Christian must establish a family and make a home for mankind by living it.(…) The Three Rivers and Five Rings are our etiquette. These are etiquettes that everyone can follow naturally without any discomfort while living together. Samgang is an example of the most important behavior of our ancestors. Our ancestors put three beautiful manners first.(…) The Bible teaches us the ‘three rivers’ etiquette.
1) Gunwei Xinjiang (君爲臣綱)
A king should be an example for his subjects. Seniors must lead by example in front of subordinates. “Afraid” in verse 5 means respect and love, and “trembling” means humility and obedience. The Lord is the Son of God. Although he was on the high and high heavenly throne, he came in the form of a servant in the form of a human being to teach and set an example for human life. He suffered severe persecution and hardship even to the point of death and obeyed. The Lord teaches us and sets the example for what He taught (…) So we worship Him with fear and trembling before Him. The Gunwi Xinjiang is the true path to peace and prosperity.
2) Bizarre (父爲子綱)
A father should always be an example to his children. In Psalm 127, it is said that children are the heirs of God. A child can also mean a parent's homework (mission). Parents should raise their children as special beings so that they do not interfere with their lives.(…) And children are called arrows. Arrows always have a target that they fly towards their target. (…) “Fathers, do not provoke your children. Don't make me sad." It's not about raising them generously. To bring up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord. This is the subjunctive river. That way, the old age of the parents will not be insulted.
3) Partial weakness (夫爲婦綱)
It is the etiquette that the husband should set an example for his wife. Now that we are a gender-equal society, it is said that husbands and wives should set an example for each other. In Ephesians 5:22, “Wives! Be obedient to your husband and set an example” and in verse 25, “A husband must love his wife and set an example”. Christianity needs a family, and the family needs Christianity. Please do not block your ears and think for a moment that it does not fit with today's modern sentiment. Jangyu Yuseo (order, order), Bungyu Yushin (faith, loyalty) It means that there must be 5 ways for society to communicate. Amen.