Title: The Unprofitable Servant/Luke 17:5-10
What Jesus wants from us is true faith. Of course, quantity is important, but whether you have true faith is even more important. How small is a mustard seed? But even with just one grain, he tells the mulberry tree that it can be planted in the sea. It is the mystery of faith. The disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, but Jesus' great and amazing faith is the size of a mustard seed. Do you really have faith in you? is to do
And those who have faith have something to think about. That is, the more you have faith, the more humble you should be. In today's verse, such an attitude is compared to a servant. That is, the believer must always call himself a useless servant. A great and good faith is maintaining the attitude of a servant in absolute obedience to his master.
1. A servant demeans himself.
A true servant, after he has done his duty, still waits for his master's orders. When the master tells him to eat, he eats it. You can't ask for another special case just because you've done your job. Jesus wants us to be those servants. Because Jesus wants to be our true Master. What Jesus wants is not to brag about our faith or be proud, but to stand humbly and unchangingly as a servant of the Lord Jesus.
2. A servant is an imperfect man.
Do you think you are perfect? Perhaps you can say that you are on your way to perfection. But we are not perfect. Before Jesus, we are always lacking. Those who have faults. They are of no benefit to Jesus. Even if the servant has done his best to graze the sheep and prepare the master's table, the servant is imperfect. In fact, how many people would say they are satisfied with themselves even when they see ourselves? From a legal point of view, we would all be thrown out. Because we are imperfect, Jesus is our Savior, our way, and our life.
3. A servant is a debtor to his master
We should not think of worshiping, praying, and serving as a matter of paying off debts to the Lord while living our faith. We are people who cannot pay God's debt. God redeemed us through the blood of Jesus, who had no choice but to die in our sins and trespasses. We are the ones who cannot pay this debt no matter how much we work.
All we have to do is accept that grace. With the blood of Jesus, God bought us. Now we belong to the Lord. We are indebted to the love of Jesus. We are now living for Him alone for all eternity. That's how you should live. And no matter how great the work, we must say, “I just did
4. A servant is a person who strives to be useful
We are, in fact, useless servants to Jesus. We are receiving the grace of Jesus, not because of us as servants of Jesus. However, we must not misspelled this word. In other words, just because you're a useless species doesn't mean you're really useless. A servant is still a man who does his best at his job. And then, “I did my job, but I didn’t do well.” It means to be a person of humility, which in simple terms means to be a person who understands one's own subject. As servants of Jesus, we can never be proud of what we have done, no matter how great we are. The paper's duty is not the one who hides himself crying in the corner of the field, but the one who goes and keeps plowing. He is the one who has to feed the sheep without weeping with them. He is a person who tries his best to the end by being unfamiliar with himself, not a person who doesn't do his job.
Saints! We are now owned by the Lord. We must live with the most sincere faith. And no matter how great you are before the Lord, you should not have anything to brag about. He only shows loyalty and obedience, which he zealously does the work of a servant by being touched by grace. And when I stand before the Lord, I say, “Lord! I am a useless servant. I just did my job.”