Title: The World Beyond the Rainbow
A place without tears and without sorrow is the land that God has promised to His children.
But it will take more tears and sorrow to get there. The saints are the ones who are able to endure the more tears they shed because of their sins after meeting the Lord and the tribulations and sorrows they experience because they have to live by faith despite the persecution of faith on this earth. Because we see the world beyond that rainbow. Those who can see that heaven are those who have already been promised it. To receive the promise of entering the kingdom of heaven means to believe in Jesus Christ and receive the qualifications to enter it. You have to wear a robe to enter there, and the robe is a white robe. It is the clothes of the saints who washed all our sins white in the blood of Jesus Christ. So, when Jesus began his short three-year public life after 30 years of private life, the first words he proclaimed were “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Death came when a person made in God's image fell into temptation and turned away from God, but God's love did not leave His children alone. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, so that whoever believes in Him may live again. This place where people live is not everything in life. Then there is no happy ending for humans. Because everyone has to face the death they fear. But whoever receives Jesus Christ as Lord will receive eternal life as a gift.
Revelation 22 shows us as a paradise among the characteristics of that heaven. There is the throne of God and of the Lamb. A river of water of life, clear as crystal, flows from it (verse 1). This means that the source of eternal life flows eternally from God. On either side of the river, the tree of life bears 12 kinds of fruit. Bearing fruit every month is a continuous work of life. It is said that the leaves of the tree make the nations revive (verse 2). That heaven is a place where there is no curse. There is no cursed life, no cursed life. But under the protection and dominion of God and the Lamb, you will forever cast out darkness and lead a life of living in the light. The world beyond the rainbow belongs to believers.