Title: This Fall...
This autumn - the season of harvesting the Word... (Amos 8:11-14 Matthew 6:31-33)
1. ??In the fall, poker is also sulking?? there is a saying
Autumn is the harvest season in the countryside, meaning that it is busy.
Autumn is a busy season to reap the hard work of spring and summer and prepare for winter.
Autumn is also the season of heaven and hell. The thick dust of the battlefield has disappeared and the horses are getting fat, which means that it is a good season to live. Fall is truly a great season to do anything.
Autumn is also the season when everything goes back to its original place.
The flowers wither, the grass withers, and they return to the place where they were born - to the soil.
The season to return home - it is the season to look back on where you came from and where you are going.
What should we harvest in this season and with what should we prepare for the winter of our souls.
2. First, God's economy - we must realize the time.
The beauty of all red leaves also has a purpose created by God and a deadline set by God.
At this time, we must reap this dispensation. have to realize
Second, we must realize that God's economy is directed toward us. Even the beauty of autumn mountains, which is not in the world, is nothing if I cannot accept it as something directed at me. If the mountain does not come and embrace me, if God's open grace is not accepted as God's grace toward me, it is just a passing wind.
Third, how can I receive such things as grace toward me?
It's ??thanks??.
When I bow my head to look back at the summer of my life, and look up again to see the autumn mountain that is imbued with God's economy - the red leaves of all mountains become mine.
3. But our lives are still busy and hectic. It's empty and struggling, it's the same, and it's busy wandering around without being filled.
It is the voice of the prophet Amos. It is not hunger for lack of food, not thirst for lack of water, but a famine of hearing the word of the LORD.
Was it full of food/drink/wear at that time?
no. At that time, it was much poorer than it is now. Then what kind of idle talk is the prophet Amos?
The answer is given by the Lord today.
??The Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. So, seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness.
Realize the difference between what you need to save first and what you need to save later.
What will we reap this fall?
What will enrich your soul?
Take time to reflect on what you are hungry for, what you crave, and what you are so busy with this season.
And I pray that you will have the time to fully realize what you need to seek first.