Title: Those Against the Church
Title: Those Against the Church
Bible: Acts 19:23-41
2009.11.1. afternoon
When the revival of evangelism in Ephesus occurred, the devil's temptation took place. Again, as in Philippi, it was a disturbance caused by the financial interests of the merchants.
As the gospel flourished and idolatry declined, Demetrius, a merchant who made and sold idols, provoked the citizens and caused a great commotion.
1. About then
It was not long after the magicians repented and burned the books. When the gospel is always booming, the devil also strikes a final counterattack. Therefore, we must be careful when the church is revitalized.
It was a lot of commotion with this book, which is the gospel preached by Paul. As people who realized that idolatry was gradually disappearing and that idolatry was a sin, they threw away idols, so sales would have decreased a lot. For this reason, Demetrius blatantly agitated the people.
2. Demetrius.
He must have been the head of the Artemis Silversmith's Association. This person made and sold a model of the goddess Artemis with silver, and had some salty fun. He had quite a few craftsmen, and he lived a prosperous life while paying salaries.
At that time, the goddess Artemis (Latin name - Diana) was worshiped in Ephesus. Artemis was the mother of the earth, and she was the best goddess with a long history of controlling all reproduction of humans and animals. It has 12 breasts and symbolizes the care of all things. The priests of the temple were eunuchs, and the lowest of women and slaves were engaged, and rituals to the goddess Artemis were accompanied by ceremonial prostitution. He worshiped Artemis as the guardian deity of Ephesus and a great deity throughout Asia, but his prestige suddenly fell due to the gospel preached by Paul, and many people turned away. And many people would lose their jobs. So this stage commotion happened.
3. Demetrius' accusation
1) The prestige of our profession has fallen.-“There is a threat that this profession will become lowly.”
2) The Temple of Artemis was also ignored - “A man made with human hands is not a god.
3) The majesty of the goddess Artemis will also decrease - I wonder if the majesty of the Asian world will also decrease.
4) Ji-shin's livelihood will be threatened and many people will lose their jobs.
4. Agitated people
The people caused riots, especially with the workers and merchants doing business.
“Great is Artemis of the Ephesians! Artemis! They went out on the streets shouting, and a lot of people joined in and formed a crowd. Then they caught Gao and Aristargo and dragged them into the theater. However, most of the agitated crowd followed without a clear understanding of what was going on. And only Artemis followed him screaming.
5. Clerk's Arbitration
was the secretary of the parliament. He was the most powerful man in Ephesus, drafting decrees, executing the city budget, and standing closest to the governor when Ephesus came under Roman power.
1) This secretary first understood the hearts of the people of Ephesus. and calmed down.
2) Do not do anything rashly.
3) He didn't steal anything from the temple, nor did he directly slander the goddess Artemis, so there's no reason to arrest him.
4) If there is something to accuse, there is a judgment day and there are governors, so shouldn't it be accusations against them?
5) If you want anything else, let's formally decide at the assembly!
6) If this continues for no reason, there is a risk of being rebuked for the Lee Soyo incident. - Since it was under Roman rule at the time, if it was an illegal assembly, the person in charge of the city would be reprimanded. Furthermore, the rioters may be brought to trial and sometimes even sentenced to death. And the city is deprived of its freedom.
7) And this is absolutely illegal. I have nothing to report on that illegal assembly, so it would be better to leave today. and quieted the disturbance and dispersed the crowds.
Indeed, he exhibited the skillful skill of a politician.
God has also prepared such a person, and when the time comes, He will properly defeat those who oppose the church. Therefore, when we do God's work, we must never be discouraged if we encounter difficulties, do not be discouraged, and if we go out relying on God, He will surely make good results.