Title: Three lives to prepare for blessings
Exodus (50) Three lives to prepare for blessings (Exodus 19:16-25)
1. to keep oneself holy
When God first gave the Law, God descended on Mt. Sinai and called Moses there to preach, “Go down and warn the people, and the people will push in and try to see God, and many may die” (verse 21). He also told the priests that if they did not sanctify their bodies, they would be harmed (verse 22). What must exist before grace is 'holiness'.
What is holiness? Is it a life without sin at all? It's virtually impossible. So, is it an effort to commit less sin? But we do not say that we are “sanctified!” to commit less sins. So, are we avoiding the sins of our thoughts? Of course, that is also precious, but the holiness that God desires is more than that.
The holiness that God desires is not to have a double heart under any circumstances. In other words, the core content of holiness is not to give up on pure faith despite the winds of the world, hardships, and temptations. Without such holiness, do not even think of getting anything (James 1:6-8). The test given to the saints is usually a test for the holiness of faith. You must pass that exam to be promoted more spiritually.
2. Living God's Holiness
When we see God repeatedly stressing the Israelites to keep their boundaries, we realize how important it is to keep God's holiness. How do weak people keep the holiness of Almighty God? It sounds like nonsense. However, there is the best way for humans to preserve the holiness of God. It is to have absolute trust in God's entire existence with the conviction that God works all things for good.
Although Job was the most righteous man in the East, he faces great trials. Then the question arises. “Why must the righteous be so miserable?” Such questioning of God's actions and existence is in fact undermining God's holiness. At that time, Job's wife accused God of harming God's holiness, saying, "Curse God and die!" Job answered. “Your words are like the words of one of the foolish women. Since we have received blessings from God, will we not also receive disasters?”
Even in the midst of great suffering, Job did not blame God. Because he was convinced of the goodness of God. When you have such hardships, direct your lips, thoughts, and actions in a positive direction, thinking of the good God who watches over them from behind. That is the greatest task of believers who keep the holiness of God.
3. Living in Obedience to God's Word
In the end, according to God's word, Moses went down to the people once more with a heart of obedience and made the word of God known to the people as it was (verse 25). At that time, Moses no longer complained about God's repeated words. Being in the spirit of “Amen!” in obedience to the Word is one of the most necessary qualities to prepare for blessings.
The fortress saints said, “Happy! You can say “Amen!” to “Be a character!”, but “Die” doesn’t have “Amen!”. But when you say to die, you have to say Amen better. Because you have to die to live. Pray now. "God! Use me greatly in your work in this age! If there is a big prayer topic, please take responsibility for it at the forefront! Please obey even the words that are difficult to obey so that God's providence will not be blocked by me!”
There is a great history of great obedience. Now live, “Why don’t I have God’s grace?” And don't worry too much. Whenever you have such thoughts, make a commitment to obey the Word a little more. If I diligently obey the Word and my heart is in harmony with the Lord's, the Lord will be moved by saying, "You have my heart!" And from then on, no matter what you ask, the Lord will gladly agree to the prayer subject.