Title: Three Rituals for a Successful Life
The Gospel of John (51) Three important rituals for a successful life (John 7:25-36)
1. Ceremony of calling
This text explains that when He taught the Jews in the temple at the Feast of Tabernacles, He gave Himself to the crowd. The Lord had a clear sense of calling that God had sent Him (verses 28-29). So, no matter what difficulties, he did not waver. A person with a sense of vocation thinks like this. “God has called me to be a missionary instrument! God made me for this work! God has a brilliant plan for me!”
The most common characteristic of the Blessed Saints is a ‘clear sense of calling’. A sense of vocation brings conviction, passion, clarity of purpose, and puts God's will first. The sense of calling makes you value yourself and lets you know and live as the core of history. So no one is envious. A nuclear bomb is small, but if it is ignited, it becomes a nuclear bomb. Even if the present self is weak, when the fire of the Holy Spirit comes on it, it becomes a spiritual nuclear bomb that exerts great influence.
2. Serving Ceremony
The Lord did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28). The Lord Himself said so, and he actually lived it. It was not done to show service or to gain popularity. If you try to reign with the talents and blessings you have received, you will become a historical bully, and if you try to serve with those talents and blessings, you will become a historical cornerstone. The biggest reason God gives blessings is to serve.
The greatest saints are those who serve. When you lose the sense of service, those who have it become a person who hurts easily, and those who do not become a person who is easily hurt. In the end, only when you serve will your heart and mind become healthy. When service and service are gone, only evil remains, and ultimately miserable. That is why God calls us to be servants.
3. Martyrdom Rite
At that time, the crowd showed two reactions to Jesus' words. Unbelievers say, "Why don't they take Jesus?" and responded (verse 26). On the other hand, believers responded, “If you see the signs of Jesus, it must be the Christ” (verse 31). Then the chief priests and Pharisees sent messengers to arrest Jesus (verse 32). When speaking to his subordinates, Jesus had already thought about carrying the cross (verses 33-34). Jesus' great leadership and influence was ultimately achieved on the cross.
A ruler without a sense of martyrdom says, “Follow me!” while killing many people for himself, but a leader with a sense of martyrdom kills himself and saves many people and says, “Follow me!” The one who knows how to kill himself becomes the true head. In the end, the way you must pass to receive the blessing of the head is the way of the cross. When you kill yourself and give life to someone and enrich their lives, you too stand as a blessed being.
<Nothing insignificant>
Now, run towards your holy dream and vision with a sense of calling, service, and martyrdom. All life is a life of calling. There is no frivolous life. Think of the fragile wild grass breaking through a hard asphalt road. How amazing are you? That is the power of life. If even wild grass is not insignificant, the saints are even more so. Now don't underestimate anyone. Don't belittle yourself. Even failures or trials are not insignificant. God will use even failures and trials splendidly and bring them to life as ingredients for success by working together for good.
The saved saints are God's masterpieces (Ephesians 2:10). The Greek word for ‘masterpiece’ is ‘poiema’, and from that word the English word ‘poem’ was derived. The saints are God's poems, God's masterpieces. So God has a wonderful plan for each person. That plan is more brilliant than the brilliant plan we have. So, you will make it more beautiful and valuable than your current appearance. Now go on to do your holy work as God's masterpiece. Although believers were not saved by good works, they were saved to practice good works.