Title: True Light/John 1:1-14
2. Outline of the text
In the case of the Gospel of John, the introduction is very important. The author, John, was a Jew, but it should be found that his style quotes a lot of Greek expressions. In particular, the understanding of 1:1-18 becomes a direction chain for the entire interpretation of the Gospel of John. It is necessary to understand Plato. The Greeks at that time were steeped in Platonism. John chose the terms so that they could understand them. “Light” is at the heart of Plato's thought. They had a clear idea of dualism. It is the spirit of the world of ideas and the world of imitations.
light of jesus christ
1. In North Korea, President Kim Il-sung is called “the great sun”. That means he is the light. Why do they call Kim Il-sung the sun?
2. There are many precious things in this world, but among them, the value of light is very important and precious. A person cannot lead a normal life without light. Without light, crops cannot grow. Everything will fall into a state of disorder and chaos.
3. The people most interested in “light” in this world are the Greeks. They thought that the most precious thing in the world was "light", not gold and gold. The reason is that in their society there was a teaching of a man called "Plato".
4. The opposite of light is darkness. it is mud People hate the dark. So I thought of darkness as a curse. He believed that only light was the supreme happiness.
5. Who the hell is the creator of this light? It is undoubtedly Jesus Christ. He is the Creator of Light as well as the Body of Light. It is the source of light. John introduced us to Jesus Christ, who is the true light. Why is Jesus the light?
I. I thought light was the best.
A. There is a dichotomous way of thinking (the Greek concept).
1. First, divide the world into the spiritual world and the material world.
2. The realm of matter meant the real world we live in. I also made a few steps here.
1) There is a world of change in which fake and real, light and dark, birth and death, sickness and pain exist.
2) The next step is the world of time. It is the stage in which people age over time and children are born.
3) Next is the fantasy world. It meant the best stage that could be different with human thought and effort.
3. The spirit world was not the world of the Bible we believed in, but the world they had created.
1) There is a world of ideas. In other words, it was the stage of developing the spiritual world.
2) He believed that an eternal world would exist. Of course, it is eternity that is different from the Bible.
3) They believed that the immutable world was the eternal world.
4) The last step is the belief that “the world of light” is. This was the world thought at the time of Jesus. This was the idea advocated by Plato.
B. Jewish thought believed that after the real world passed, there would be another world. It was an approach to Christian thought.
C. However, the Greek spirit was dominating the world.
1. They believed that the spirit was imprisoned in the prison of the body. In other words, the body was regarded as the tomb of the soul.
2. The soteriology based on this basis believed that the soul was liberated from the body and returned to the world of light.
3.They became engrossed in philosophy for the liberation of the soul trapped in the body.
II. Jesus is the Light of Light.
A. Jesus is the Word.
1. This Word existed before heaven and earth were created.
2. This Word is Christ.
3. This Christ is the Triune God. Christ is the very essence of God who created the heavens and the earth, and he is the Creator.
4. Christ gave light to mankind. This light is life.
B. Jesus, the Word, is the light of life.
1. The true light works through the Word. When the Word works among us, we find the true light.
2. The way to possess this light is to receive Jesus.
1) Acceptance is believing.
2) Possession of light (becoming a child) cannot be done by human plan.
III. Let's become children of light.
A. There are many kinds of fake lights in the world.
1. Somebody has money
2. Some people are healthy
3. Some people believe that honor is their light.
B. Our light is only Jesus Christ.
1. If you do not believe in Jesus, you are no different from a blind person who cannot see the light even in broad daylight.
2. God gives true light to those who open their hearts and receive them.