Title: True Love for Jesus
Right love for Jesus
(2009.11.01. Week) (John 14:21-24)
I believe in Jesus. That's why I love Jesus - The members who attended today's worship are also people who believe in Jesus - Do you also love Jesus???
I believe in God. So I love God - Do you also believe in God??? Do you love God???
I love Kyungil Church. That's why we serve God at Kyungil Church - Do you also love Kyungil Church???
We all love God. Everyone loves Jesus. Everyone loves Kyungil Church - so we believe in the same God, live in the same church, and are of the same faith family - so we must love each other. (Please say “I love you” to each other)
1. Missing love.
If you like anything, you need to know how to really like it.
*There is a person who likes to play in the water - so he went into the water recklessly - but this person can't swim at all - he fell into the water he liked and died. - If you like to play in the water, you should know how to swim
*There was a bear who liked the keeper very much - he slammed the fly with his big paw to kill the flies sitting on the napping keeper's face - of course it killed the flies, but at the same time the keeper's face was also mutilated.
*A person who did not know how to play in the water and liked water, a bear who did not know how to catch flies and loved only the breeder - how disastrous is the result?
*In the 1960s, there were posters in every neighborhood - - It was a poster about reporting spies - hiding is not true recognition, but death together - Reporting or surrendering was the way to live together. - The method is important.
So is love - loving without knowing how to love is not true love.
1) Peter's stray love
Peter loved Jesus very much. But Jesus said that he would take up the cross and die. Astonished, Peter said - "Jesus must not die, you must never die" - but Jesus said to Peter, "Stand behind me, Satan." - Peter loved Jesus - but he was rather scolded because he showed love in his own way, contrary to God's Word, contrary to God's plan.
2) Martha's stray love.
Martha loved Jesus very much for raising her brother from the dead - She prepared food diligently for Jesus who had just visited her home - At that time, her sister Mary was listening to Jesus in front of Jesus - At that time, Martha said, “Don’t just listen to the word, but come out Prepare food” - But Jesus said, “Martha who prepares food, Mary, who listens to me, is doing better than you.”
Peter and Martha loved Jesus - but because they did not know how to love and loved in their own way, they were not praised and even scolded.
Don't be scolded for wrong love because you don't know how - learn the right way to love Jesus.
2. Right love.
In Peter and Martha's devious love - you can see why their love was deviated.
Even Peter did not think about the word of God, and Martha was also lazy to listen to Jesus.
So, what is the secret to loving Jesus properly?
(14:21)-“He who keeps my commandments is the one who loves me…” He said.
(14:23)-“Jesus answered and said, If a man loves me, he will keep my word...”.
* Those who listen to Jesus and keep His commandments are those who truly love Jesus.
(14:24) - “He who does not love me does not keep my words; the words you hear are not mine, but the words of the Father who sent me.” - Jesus also said that the words of God are the words of God.
*Those who listen to God's Word and obey God's Word are those who love Jesus.
*The secret to loving Jesus rightly is not to become like Peter or Martha who is scolded for wrong love - to listen to God's word and obey God's word.
If you truly love Jesus - please obey the Word of God.
3. The result of right love.
Every cause has an effect. - Peter, who said he loved Jesus and disobeyed God's word, was scolded. Even Martha, who was indifferent to the words of Jesus saying that she loved Jesus, was not praised.
If so, what will be the result for those who listen to Jesus and obey and keep the word of God?
1) Be loved.
(14:21)-"He who keeps my commandments is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him."
Those who obeyed the Word and loved Jesus - are loved by God. Receive love from Jesus.
Do you want to be loved by God? Love God, keep His commandments.
Do you want to be loved by Jesus? Love Jesus, obey His words.
2) They become the people of heaven.
(14:23) - "Jesus answered and said to him, If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our abode with him."
For those who love Jesus in obedience to God's Word - He promised to be with Jesus in the dwelling place.
To Heaven where Jesus is - He calls those who love Jesus and keep God's commandments.
I pray that you will obey the Word and love Jesus - receive the love of Jesus - and enjoy eternal blessings in heaven where Jesus is.
3) You will be blessed to a thousand generations.
(20:6)-“I show mercy to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”
He promised that blessings will be given to those who love Jesus, those who love God, and those who have kept God's Word, but not the blessings that end with the blessings of the present time - He promises to bring blessings to thousands of descendants.
*Abraham loved God and completely obeyed God's word. - Abraham's descendants are being blessed from generation to generation.
*If your parents had a good life of faith - I hope you believe that you will receive God's love more than others.
*If your parents did not lead a religious life - now you must become the ancestors of your family's faith.
Please remember that Abraham loved God, received God's love and became the father of faith, and his descendants received abundant blessings.
There are many people who want to receive blessings from God, but do not know how to receive them. - Now we know.
If you love God, love Jesus, and love the church of God, you will receive blessings.
The way to love God and love Jesus is also to obey God's Word.
By obeying God's word and loving Jesus - of course, receiving God's love and going to heaven - I pray that even your descendants will receive blessings from generation to generation.