Title: True peace and rest revive my soul.
Psalm 23:1-6
True peace and rest revive my soul!
Klondike, in southeastern Canada, is a famous gold mining area. A few years ago, the following suicide note was found in a crypt. "There was so much gold that I didn't know it was going by. Now, food is running out. We die in the snow with gold nuggets next to it." They slept and ate in burrows, and frantically mined for gold. Not knowing that winter was coming, and not knowing that the snow had blocked the entrance to the gold mine, he had mined gold. Had I been out of the burrow at times to get some air, this death would have been avoided.
John Milton, author of Paradise Lost, said, "Leisure brings comfort like a well-groomed garden." Augustine (AD 354-430) said, "There is never happiness until you find rest before God." It is the same with life. Stop speeding, look at the sky and take a deep breath at least once! Even the great people of God sometimes wandered without finding peace and rest.
Psalm 69:2 "David" "I sink into the depths of the abyss, where there is no place to stand, and into the deep waters, and great waters overflow me."
Numbers 11:14-16 Moses "If you will do this to me, be gracious to me, and kill me immediately, so that I do not see that I am afflicted!"
1 Kings 19:4 "It is enough, O LORD; take away my life now!"
Stormie Omartian, author of "Helps His Husbands with a Husband's Prayer" "Helps His Husband with a Wife's Prayer," says in 7 Steps to Peace of Mind and Rest. Step 1 - Acknowledge God! Acknowledge that God is on your side, and acknowledge that He is Lord in all areas of your life!, Step 2 - Lay the foundation!, Peace of mind is a stronghold that cannot be broken when built on a complete relationship with God. can stand (Maintain a close relationship with God through the Word, meditation, prayer, praise, confession, and continuous forgiveness), Step 3 - Obey!, Step 4 - Experience the work of letting go! Break with everything that separates you from God or prevents you from reaching the perfection God intended! Step 5 - Receive God's Gift!, Recognize that God has a gift for you and do what is necessary to receive it! Step 6 - Reject the trap! Recognize and remove the negative snares and tricks that are taking your life away! Step 7 - Stand strong!
Where is true peace and rest? It belongs to God. Today's text Psalm 23:1-2 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters." How does God give peace and rest? Verse 3 says, “He revives my soul.” It means the same as “the amount just before death is restored by drinking living water at the threshold of death.” God’s recovery is a “soul recovery,” not a “spirit” recovery. Our souls experience that 'even in the valley of the shadow of death, you are with us. How can you revive me? The Word of God revives us.'