Title: Two Disciples on the Road to Emmaus
This text records the fact that the two disciples met the Lord on the road while they were on their way home, unaware that the Lord had risen. They were walking with Jesus, but they did not realize that He was Lord. It can be found that the article in the main text was handled only by Luke, and it contains a lot of beautiful meaning of the gospel. It tells the meaning and importance of faith in the 'covenant of resurrection' in the context of the lives of the saints filled with elements of disappointment and despair. Let's think about it together.
I. Conversation between two people (13, 14)
“On that day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, 25 miles from Jerusalem, 14 talking to each other about all these things.” It depicts like a picture that he is going down there in despair and bitterness. They were on the way home after hearing the testimony of the women who had heard the news of the resurrection from the angels “on that day” (verse 13) when the Lord was resurrected, “and they did not believe” (verse 11).
There are many people like this even though they attend church today. He keeps Sundays, tithes well, and keeps his ceremonies well, but there are cases where he behaves like an unbeliever when faith in the resurrection is required. Aren't the two disciples in today's text exactly who I am? We believe in the resurrection event through the Bible, and believe that we too will be resurrected like Jesus.
Ⅱ. Failure to recognize Jesus in the company (15,16)
“As they were talking and inquiring with one another, Jesus came near and accompanied them, 16 but their eyes were blinded, and they did not recognize him.” Jesus described here was apparently in a physical form, “walking together”. The two people in the text did not remember the resurrection event that Jesus usually spoke of, and their thoughts were fixed only on the fact that Jesus died on the cross. The power of the Lord goes beyond our stereotypes, preconceived notions, and science. I hope that the hidden things will come off and you will be able to see the divine world.
Ⅲ. Jesus' Question (17)
“Jesus said to them, “What are you talking about when you go on the road?” The two stood still with a sad light. is the way to carry And this is the journey of the universal life of “those who are foolish and slow in heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken” (verse 25), who are deceived by humanistic trends.
IV. Clopa's Answer (18)
“One of them, Clova, answered and said, “You sojourned in Jerusalem, and are you not the only one not aware of what has happened there in recent days?” So, even though I stayed in the same place, I started to question why I was the only one who didn't know about the events that happened there. Therefore, it proves that the event about Jesus was such a big event that no one in Jerusalem was ignorant.
①The work of Jesus of Nazareth (19-21)
They seem to have had the expectation that Jesus would not just end in death, but that something would happen at least on the third day. Thus, they had hope until the third day after Jesus was crucified. But they are complaining that they can no longer hold on to their hopes.
② Hearing the news of Jesus' resurrection (22,23)
What surprised and astonished me was what was mentioned in verses 1-8. The emphasis here is that the body of Jesus was removed. And the story of meeting an angel in the empty tomb and that Jesus rose from the angel would have been taken as absurd because it was so unbelievable.
Ⅴ. Jesus' rebuke and explanation (25)
① You foolish and slow believers (25)
“You foolish ones and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.”
Although Jesus taught that his suffering, death, and resurrection would come true as the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets, it is lamenting that they do not correctly believe in Jesus' teachings as well as the Old Testament prophecies.
If we are not spiritually sensitive, we will inevitably be rebuked for being foolish and slow to believe. Saints! Pray that we will understand immediately when we hear the Word. Pray that our ears will be opened to hear the word.
② Christ will suffer and enter into glory (26)
“Is it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and enter into his glory?” The Jews made the mistake of seeking only glory, not paying attention to the sufferings of Christ. It is emphasized that Christ must suffer before glory. Many people today ignore hardship. Pursue glory without suffering. So the same goes for believers. The sufferings of the saints are the gateway to glory.
③Jesus explained something about himself (27)
“So, beginning with the writings of Moses and all the prophets, he explained in detail what was written in all the scriptures concerning himself.”
He explained, quoting, one by one, prophecies related to the necessity of Christ's suffering. Luke states that the sources cited are the writings of Moses and the prophets and all the Scriptures.
The resurrection of Jesus was prophesied in the Bible and fulfilled according to the Bible. Believe this truth and do not doubt it. The risen Lord ascends to heaven and reigns over all mankind from the throne at the right hand of God. He comes to the center of my life and accompanies me. I want him to take the wheel of my life and live a life that accompanies him.