Title: Two essentials for happiness
<The True Shepherd>
Zechariah 11 describes what humans will be like when the Messiah comes to earth. At that time, human pride reached its peak and was destroyed (verses 1-3), and the shepherds fell terribly and sold their flocks to fill their stomachs (verses 5-8). They also reject the Messiah, the true shepherd. Verse 12 is a prophecy about selling the Messiah for thirty pieces of silver. God told him to throw the money to the potter (verse 13). This prophecy is later fulfilled when Judas Iscariot returns to the high priest the thirty pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot received as a ransom for Jesus, and the high priest uses the money to set up a potter's field (Matthew 27:3-10).
When we reject the Messiah and follow the false shepherd, judgment comes in two ways. First, the stick of grace is cut off (verse 10). This word symbolizes the breaking of the grace relationship with God. Second, the stick of communication is cut off (verse 14). This word symbolizes the loss of human connection. The words of this prophecy are later fulfilled. In other words, Israel, who rejected the Messiah, will be completely annihilated by the army of General Titus in A.D. 70 as if the stick of grace was cut off, and then spread across the world like a stick of communication.
How important is the life of meeting the good shepherd? A good shepherd is not a shepherd who is good at preaching, but a shepherd who is with God and whose fellowship lasts for a long time. Everyone has a time when God is with them. We must continue to humbly continue that time of grace. When the ministry is successful, the beautiful appearance in the eyes of God that was at the beginning of the ministry disappears. However, the success of not missing the line of grace is more important than the success of the actual ministry.
< Two essential elements for happiness >
Meeting a good shepherd and a good church is the greatest blessing. The members belong to the ‘Lord’s Church,’ but they do not belong to the ‘local church’. So, you do not have to serve only one church for the rest of your life. If it is God's will, we can even move the church. I'm sorry if someone leaves my side, but please be willing to release me. Churches usually welcome the saints when they come and absolutely oppose them when they leave. In the meantime, many believers are hurt. However, we should have pity on those who are in a situation where they have no choice but to move the church.
Whatever it is, the last is important. A truly great shepherd is a shepherd who thinks about the soul when he leaves the church as well as when he is loyal to the church, and knows how to do the final arrangement and send it off. Just as birds cross borders in search of food and water, the soul can cross church walls in search of happiness and peace. In such a situation, the shepherd must open the way for the soul to live, the way to peace, and the way to receive blessings at the beginning, in the middle, at the end. .
If you have no choice but to go, please feel free to send it. You just need to overcome the desire to have a boat through the flock. It hurts to send, but if you send it well, God comforts you and gives you more. Find the way to the happiness of your flock and train an open mind. Don't think that it's okay for me to leave and it's not okay for others to leave. Please understand and be considerate of the soul's cry of wanting to live.
Be really good at two things in life. First, be willing to be eaten. Second, be willing to let go. These two things are the two essentials of happiness. When you live with such a sheep-centered mindset and consider others, God's grace abounds and your life becomes richer. Now think of the soul that is with me and the soul that leaves me. If you understand other people's circumstances and endure hardships with generosity and joy, God's blessings will never evade your soul.