Title: Two Rich Men (Luke 15:11-32)
Content I want you to get the true secret to living our life worthily through the five rich men in the Gospel of Luke. Last week we talked about three rich men. As I promised, today I will even talk about the two rich people, so I bless you in the name of the Lord that you will receive blessings that are upright and worthy of God's will and that you will become wealthy saints.
However, people do not know the way of blessing that God requires in God's way. The heart, darkened by greed, is weighed down by sin and groaning in poverty and suffering. The Son of God came to this earth to give a new life to those who sit in the midst of sin and death and feed themselves with pain and sorrow. The Lord has come to make the saints who believe in Him eternally rich and abundant.
The Lord is the owner of all wealth. The present dwelling place of all wealth is nature. But people try to take possessions unfairly. I'm trying to take it for myself. Here is the human fault. Wealth that is not recognized as the Lord's is unjust. Wealth not used for the Lord is shameful. We should rightly enjoy the blessings of the Lord's wealth. I must not waste it solely for my own enjoyment and personal comfort. Wealth must be used for human salvation. Towards a welfare society where human rights are respected, we must contribute to the common good of mankind. When we have such wealth, God's things become mine, and mine becomes God's. You will enjoy a rich life on this earth as God is rich. I bless you in the name of the Lord that you will become saints who are clean in wealth and enjoy the abundance of holy spiritual life.