Title: Two Wishes/John 6:1-15
4th Sign/Water-Wine, Healing of the Son of the Servant of the King of Cana, 38 Years of Bethesda
Healing the paralyzed ------ Feeding more than 5,000 people with five byeongi.
The only signs recorded in all four Gospels (except for the Resurrection)
Words of many blessings.
The detailed explanation is omitted because it is a famous text - This text is due to the sermons I have heard.
Every time you deal with it, the grace and emotion you received at that time will be revived.
Today, two different kinds of earnest wishes appearing in the text are made into two earths.
So let's take a look at the text.
1. Teacher's wish
Consideration for the disciples / Asking if they want to test, the disciples offer five bottles, line up
To sit down, to bless, to share, to reap.
There is a teacher's earnest wish to teach something to his disciples.
What was it?
(1) The Lord is the One who can fully satisfy all human needs.
Food of the Spirit + Food of the flesh / Manna of life that came down from heaven + Daily Bread
One who gives every day.
(2) Rely on the Lord in all situations.
Philip = I am from near Bethsaida, where this stage is/Where can I get it?
Galilee / Tiberias = Emperor Tiberius (City founded in AD 20) / Herod Antipas
200 denarii = 1 year's wages for a worker
A situation where there is no money and no food to buy = an impossible condition under the circumstances
Test: Faith, Confession, and Expectation of “It is available from you”
The Lord's wish today = in all circumstances, in any condition, "I trust in you.
The belief, confession, courage, "All my needs can be met by you."
You want to have hope.
Illness---Business failure----Accidents-----Mistakes, Crimes----University admission---Persecution-----/Only the Lord,
And the Lord can supply every need.
2.People's wishes
Verse 2--Follow = Progressive, Come Spring = Emphasis on progressive/continuous action.
How much did you see and how eagerly did you follow it?
2/Because he saw a sign-----14 When he saw the sign, he said----/Experienced plagiarism
Point out that the target was misunderstood.
*** The signs of Christ can be misunderstood.
The miracle Jesus can be misunderstood by people.
any misunderstanding?
to make him the king of the world.
He had already intended to give the king of heaven, the kingdom of heaven, but made him king of the world.
They are closing the door to the kingdom of heaven by themselves by falling down.
To the Lord, this is not a low test = Satan's three temptations--King of the kingdom of heaven
What was meant to be the king of the world.
You can experience the miracle of five fish. The miracle of divine healing----The experience of matter--
There may be targets that only I know of.
But sadly, already these signs have been misleading.
When did the saints who see many signs and continue to follow the Lord diligently
He made Jesus the king of the world.
They made it into a wage that would satisfy their needs and desires.
The text clearly says it. Does the Lord flee from such people?
Verse 15: “The Lord is not afraid of men’s unclean selfishness and covetousness, and that their hearts are worldly.
You know . "by force"------
We tried to force Jesus to make a worldly king who would satisfy my worldly needs.
make an effort
The Lord wants us to always give us the living water of the Holy Spirit and the bread of life in abundance.
The Lord always wants us to fill our daily bread.
The Lord can do us the honorable things that save the life of the kingdom of God.
wants to supply sufficient forms.
The Lord will give us all that we need in any circumstance.
Let's do it.
But where are our wishes?
Let's repent.
** May our coveted wish disappear like a mist and the year will be filled with the Lord's wishes