Title: Two Witnesses After Resurrection (April 20, 2014)
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Date: 2014. 4. 20
Word: Matthew 28:11-15
Title: Two Witnesses After Resurrection
Wherever you go in the world, the two wars of good and evil, truth and untruth, justice and injustice, the church and the antichrist are never ending.
In the end, all these battles are between the power of Satan and God, and the final victory is the victory of God.
The cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the most important messages of apostolic preaching.
The driving force that gave the disciples new strength and hope after Jesus Christ's brutal death on the cross was the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
These two groups are the women of Jesus and the soldiers guarding the tomb.
Verse 8. The women left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy.
Running to tell the disciples
Verse 11. As the women went, some of the guards went into the city and explained everything that had happened.
I will tell the chief priests
After the resurrection, there is a step toward this world and a step toward the gospel of the Lord.
In today's text, we see two groups running out of breath.
discussion of two groups
The women ran to tell the disciples and met Jesus.
The women met Jesus with the disciples and worshiped him, and Jesus told them to know this to the ends of the earth.
The high priests give the soldiers a lot of money and tell them that the disciples stole the body of Jesus while sleeping.
The battle between truth and lies, justice and injustice has begun.
Believers must discuss all matters with the Lord and people of faith and receive solutions through the Word.
Two groups of witnesses began.
This is money and mission.
It is about telling lies for money and telling the truth at the risk of life.
God's work belongs to those who have received a mission.
When I see the people who work with their mission, they work very hard, have fun, and I am grateful.
However, if you do not do it as a mission, you will be judged for the gain or loss and will complain.
What False People Do: Do not believe in the Resurrection or have no hope of Resurrection.
Without it, Christians live the world falsely.
The mission of the saints who believe in the resurrection: the disciples risk their lives without hesitation
I was able to run because I had faith in the resurrection.
“Make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to keep them”