Title: Unified Voice /Acts 15:22-29
A unified voice /Acts 15:22-29
The church is a 'gathering' of Christians. In a spiritual sense, it is described as a holy council.
do. There are two ways to express the church, the first is the 'invisible church' and the other is the 'visible church'. Believers in Jesus gather in a certain place to learn and teach the Word
It is expressed as a 'local church', and if the session is organized, it is an organized church; otherwise, it is an 'unorganized church'.
The current situation in Korea is more than half of the unorganized churches. This teaches us that the church is an unfinished church. Sometimes the membership of the church decreases, sometimes it increases. Sometimes the church is the cause of social trouble. Therefore, the church also needs constitutions and rules.
The church in Antioch in the text was a great church as a visible church. However, a problem arose regarding the 'doctrine' of this exemplary church. According to Paul's doctrine, 'believe in Jesus and be saved', the conservative Jewish doctrine, however, argued that 'one must be circumcised'. Eventually, delegates were sent to the Jerusalem Council to submit the agenda to the council for decision.
Then a very complicated controversy arises. Salvation through faith in Jesus, circumcision, and keeping the Law of Moses were what the Pharisees insisted on. Then Peter got up and spoke, and when Paul's opinion was also heard, opinions were divided. Eventually, James got up and made a compromise. Faith through Jesus is fundamental
And it was the opinion that the Gentiles should keep what they were supposed to keep.
Then, a unified voice was reached unanimously on this opinion. The council had to notify the church in Antioch of the content of the resolution, so the council selected two people and wrote them in a letter to notify the church in Antioch, and the representatives of these two people came to the church in Antioch and wrote the letter (minutes)
When the verse was read, the whole church united in unity and became a doctrine that was adhered to with one voice.
What is the reality of our Korean church today?
The church has over 300 denominations. So the sounds are different. The sound of Christianity can be heard in so many different ways from the point of view of the state.
This will result in no one listening. In some ways, North Korea has only one sound, so there is no riot. The same is true of the Roman Catholic Church. The pope's voice is like the law, even the voices of individual churches.
The voice of the church must become one.
Why can't we become one? The cause can be considered going up to the event of building the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. He built a wall with bricks to show pride before God
is. Human pride, self-assertion, sin and transgression, and man who disobeys God. This is the problem.
Joe. Our voices must become one.
How can we become one sound?
The first is the focus of faith. What is the focus of our faith? Jesus Christ. Although we are diverse individuals (diversity), looking at the cross of Jesus Christ is only one direction (uniformity).
To refine with one voice, you have to be humble. Pride is a breeding ground for division. In Ephesians 3:8, “… This grace to me, less than the least of all saints
was given … ." You can see Paul confessing, right here
We were able to have a unified voice, and many people followed that call.
The next thing to think about is concentration of power. Among Satan's strategies, the number one strategy is 'Operation Disruption'. It is Satan's representative strategy to confuse individuals, individuals, and their appearance in the church. Power can only be exerted when it stays together as one.
You should also have a bigger chest. The heart, that is, the heart must be wide. Jerusalem
How noisy was the public meeting? Paul's argument, the argument of the Pharisees, and Peter's argument had a confrontational structure. At this time, James' mediation plan was an opinion that included great faith and virtue.
There is a story of two people in front of the tomb, an American and a Chinese who pay tribute to their deceased wife
All. Chinese people pay their respects with rice in front of tombs, and Americans put flowers in remembrance.
It was. Americans evaluate the appearance of the Chinese, 'How do the dead get up and eat?' In a pinch, the Chinese say, 'Your wife wakes up, the scent of that flower.
, and my wife will eat this food to their fullness and rest in peace in the tomb', they start arguing. The debate will never end. The essence of commemorating the wife is the same, but the method of commemorating the wife is different. You need big breasts to admit that this is different.
A Christian must have a big heart. Your chest should be bigger than your head and bigger than your lips. There are too many voices in the political world these days, causing confusion and division. The voice of the church must be united. How is your voice? The protagonist of the new millennium
For this to happen, the voices must become one. Amen.