Title: Wait for the Lord.
Contents Bible text: Luke 5:1-11 Title: Expect only the Lord.
1 As the crowds supported and listened to the word of God, Jesus stood by the shore of Lake Gennesaret 2 and saw two boats on the shore of the lake, and the fishermen got out of the boat and washed their nets.
After asking him to float a little on land, he sat down and taught the crowd in the boat. 4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Go out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."
There was no gain, but at your word, I will let down the nets. 6 So, there were so many fish that the nets were torn. 7 Then he beckoned the companions in the other boats to come and help.
8 When Simon Peter saw this, he fell down at Jesus' knees and said,
Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinner.” 9 For he and all those with him were astonished at the catch, 10 and even James and John, the sons of Zebedee, and Simon's associates, were astonished.
Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid.
From now on, you will take men.” 11 So they set the boats on shore, left everything behind, and followed Jesus.
* Let Jesus (truth) be the conclusion.
* If you obey, the Lord will do it.
Give up what I can do!
You must give up everything to follow the Lord.
1) Matthew 16:13-17 (Peter cannot even confess his faith)
2) Matthew 18:21-22 (I cannot forgive)
3) Matthew 19:13-26 (Salvation comes from the Lord)
4) Matthew 26:31-35 (I will go before you to Galilee)
Acts 27:18-25 18 And we labored very hard in a storm, and the next day the sailors unloaded the load into the sea 19, and on the third day they threw out the vessels with their own hands. 20 The sun and the stars were not seen for many days. The storm remains
All hope of salvation was gone. 21 Many of them had not eaten for a long time, so Paul stood in the middle and said,
Hear my words, gentlemen, and do not depart from Crete to take this blow and damage.
22 I urge you to take it easy now, for none of your lives will be harmed.
23 An angel of God, whom I belong to, whom I serve, stood by me last night and said, 24 Do not be afraid, Paul, for you must stand before Caesar.
And it is said that God has given you all those who sail with you. 25 Therefore, be at peace, all of you, as I have said to me,
I believe in God that it will be so