Title: Walk in Christ (Colossians 2:6-15)
Contents Essay on the Book of Colossians (Rev. Sang-Gyun Han, who is in charge of the 6th lecture missions)
Title: Walk in Christ
Text Col 2: 6-15
1. You have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, so live with Him
Life after receiving Jesus Christ is a new life itself.
“And you, rooted in your faith in Christ, and standing firm on its foundation, strengthen your faith as you have been taught, giving thanks to God abounding.
Be careful not to fall prey to the deceitful tricks of vain philosophy. It was created and transmitted by man based on worldly principles, not based on Christ.”
Rooted in the belief
stand firm
strengthen the faith
Give thanks a lot.
The Greek word for rooting is errisomenoi, which is a perfect form of a plant metaphor. This PERFECT indicates that the rooting of the Christian faith is one-time and permanent.
It is often said that the difference between mature saints and unadulterated saints is when difficulties arise.
These are the words that express the unshakable form of faith that is rooted, stood firm, and solidified.
We accept the tribulation we face as a starting point for blessings.
No matter how noisy the surroundings, we listen to the Lord.
What is the driving force behind that power?
It is the emotion and gratitude of God's love and grace for saving a sinner like me.
Therefore, it is possible to overflow with gratitude.
Before believing in Jesus, a life of complaints and dissatisfaction becomes a life of joy and gratitude.
2. Follow Christ
As mentioned last week, today's text is also a message of encouragement to overcome the deceptions and threats of false teachers.
It explains the difference between the science of the world and Christ.
In particular, it reminds us once again of the words of Christ.
As a clear refutation of the Gnostics who assert that Christ did not take the flesh in the flesh, it is said that Christ came in the flesh as a clear objection to the divine and human nature of Christ. you are saying
“You too have been filled in him. Christ is the head of all rule and authority.”
For Christians, there is no need to fill anything other than Christ, the false teachers' philosophies facing the Colossians, the Mosaic rites of the law, or the worship of the angels of the Gentiles. For Christ, the fullness of the divinity, dwells in union with the Christian.
It is idolatry for Christians to seek fullness or satisfaction from other things.
Dear saints,
Find contentment in Christ Jesus.
Find true joy in him.
3. In Christ we become new people born again.
Circumcision in verse 11 and baptism in verse 12 are the rites of forming a new creation and being born again.
but more importantly
Do you believe in the power of God who raised Christ from the dead? I am doing
It's not the consciousness that counts, it's the faith that counts.
Circumcision is an outward sign of the covenant made between God and His people. In the Old Testament, physical circumcision was transferred to circumcision of the heart to emphasize the ethical element, but circumcision of the heart does not take the place of physical circumcision. In this verse, Paul also mentions circumcision performed by hands instead of physical circumcision, that is, circumcision that is not performed by hands, that is, spiritual circumcision. Paul defines spiritual circumcision in two ways.
One is to put off the physical body and the other is the fact that it is the circumcision of Christ.
Paul refers to it as “baptism”. “By the circumcision of Christ, that is, baptism, we were buried with Christ and rose again with Christ” (Verse 12, Joint Translation).
What is the privilege of being born again and being born again?
“You have forgiven us all our sins. Also, God invalidated our debt document, which contained many undesirable provisions, and nailed it to the cross to get rid of it. And by the cross, he captured the gods of authority and power, disarmed them, and made them a spectacle and led them on a triumphal march” (verses 13-15, 「Joint Translation Revised Version」).
First, it is the fact that we have been forgiven for our sins.
Second, it is freedom. Debt documents invalidated. It freed us from debt, which we always worried about.
Third, He makes us victorious.
“He overcame them by the cross.”
Fellow Shepherd Saints!
He has chosen and called you and made you children of the Lord. Be proud of your child's privileges.