Title: Walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:1...
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Walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) 2002/7/30 (Tuesday)
A lot of believers think that believing in Jesus is hard work.
Think of it as a series of conflicts, just like Peter, John, and James before they were filled with the Holy Spirit.
are doing So they are bound by the law and just keep fighting. But the life of faith has rules
It's not about dragging people.
Teachers teaching false ideas in this way while Paul left the Galatian church for a short time
There was this. The life of faith means that if you believe only in Jesus, you will be saved, become a new person, and in Christ.
Where is the lesson of the apostle Paul of faith who taught that we just need to push forward with faith every day
I didn't know it was wrong.
So, he emphasized the law again and returned to the servant of the law. Upon hearing this, Paul
At the beginning of Arthur, he exclaimed:
"You received the Holy Spirit by the law or by faith? You foolish people, Jesus Christ
Don't your eyes see the light that died on the cross for you? law you
When you see the death of Jesus, whom you set free from all bondage, how can you
Back to foolish laws? "
As Paul said, the life of faith is not bound by the law. Normal religious life is not a battle
It is a beautiful thing that comes from a willing heart. The life of faith is bound by law and forced
There is a legal way to lead to the gospel, and to live a life of joy and gratitude with a willing heart.
There is a way.
So, how do you develop a willing heart?
In verse 25, it is written, “If we live in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit.”
To walk in the Holy Spirit means to be controlled by the Holy Spirit and to obey the power of the Holy Spirit. castle
Those who live by the Spirit are governed by the Spirit. “Living by the Spirit” means 2 Timothy 1:14
As it is written in the verse, it means that the Holy Spirit lives in me (refer to 2 Corinthians 6:19).
The Holy Spirit comes in and works when I truly confess my sins and accept Jesus Christ as my Savior.
you buy That is why he will not leave me until the end of the world and will accompany me. The Holy Spirit is our
If we settle down in Yin and take control of our hearts, we will never go back to the state before the coming of the Holy Spirit.
I can't.
When the Holy Spirit dwells in the heart, the actions of the Holy Spirit follow.
The Holy Spirit does not lead us to the law, but gives us a willing heart to follow.
So, the person of the Holy Spirit does not pray forcibly, but naturally wants to pray,
Otherwise, conflict will arise. And moment by moment, we miss and yearn for the Word of God. like this
There are things we need to do to become crabs.
First, we must listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
When you pray, when you quietly listen to and meditate on the word of God, or when you read the Bible, a whisper in your heart
must be able to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Whenever the Holy Spirit dwells in us,
Serving God voluntarily, serving others, doing good works, and serving the church.
He teaches you to be faithful and raises a willing heart.
Second, we must hear and obey the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Whatever the Holy Spirit says to your heart, you must obey it. If we obey, God will do amazing things for us.
He gives you grace.
A life of faith is a beautiful life that leads to obedience from a willing heart given by the Holy Spirit.
It is continuous.