Title: Warning through Malachi (Malachi 01:1-14)
The meaning of the name "Malachi" is "the angel of the Lord." As one of the prophets of God, he prophesied in the time when the Persian governor ruled (1:8), especially rebuking the priests and the people, and prophesied the coming of the Messiah, the corruption of the priests and the Gentiles He warned of the negligence of tithing and the negligence of tithing.
1. To rebuke ingratitude 1-5 In verse 1, “the Lord...is a warning”, the word warning here means a word that threatens with disaster or tribulation and rebukes. . As much as God loved Israel, they should have every religious act to serve God as an act of gratitude for it. Therefore he first apologizes for the certainty of God's love for them. God's love for them, above all else, chose them. In other words, it means that he was chosen because he loved Jacob (Genesis 25:23, Romans 9:10-17). Although he is Esau's younger brother, he has given him the inheritance of the firstborn. Since this is God's unconditional gift, we should be thankful for it, but He rebukes us for not giving thanks. However, the heart is alienated and has the appearance of godliness, but denies the power of godliness (Matt. That is, the priests were offering blemishes even when they could not offer sacrifices (De 15:21, 17:1), and they offered unclean bread (sacrifices) to view the table (altar) of the Lord as nothing. It is the sin of ungodliness.
If you ask for God's mercy while despising God in this way, how will you get an answer? Edom was arrogant and did not believe in God, and was confident in his own strength, but God destroyed it, and he pointed out that it was unable to restore what had been devastated by itself.
2. Rebuking ungodliness 6-10 This is mainly a rebuke to the priests. They call God Father and say with their mouths that they are Lord, but there is no reverence in their hearts. As if to honor God only with their lips, they say, "I wish there was someone among you who would shut the door of the temple" to prevent people from coming to offer such an offering.
This kind of ungodly sacrifice is not accepted and cannot be enjoyed.
3. Rebuke unbelief 11-14 God is the God of all nations and peoples in the world. Even if we cannot receive worship from the Israelites, the time will come when we will be worshiped and exalted by the Gentiles of the whole earth.
However, even among the chosen people, those who became priests profaned the name of God, they were bothered by the worship service, and they despised God, and, despite the fact that there was something holy among the sheep, they deliberately offered something that was flawless because of indemnity, saving the whole thing. rebuked I would rather have sympathy and understanding if I was poor or lacking in perfection, but this is only intentional and only more heinous. If worship or service to God flows through ceremonies and becomes a duty or a habit, it will eventually become a ill. Even the Lord rejected the sacrifice of hypocrisy. He warned that such people would rather be cursed.
Conclusion: All acts of faith in God must be moved by that love, enjoy worship and serve. God especially rebuked ungratitude, ungodliness, and unbelief.