Title: We Will Become One
It is difficult to think of our faith except for the family, and those who have true faith have no choice but to have a healthy family. Faith is a life of obedience to God's Word and fulfilling the Word. The first place to be proven and practiced is the family, and the first object is the married couple. I would like to share a few words to build a healthy family.
The first advice is to fight well with each other.
The difference between a healthy marriage and an unhealthy marriage is whether you fight well or not. Husbands and wives learn differently, think differently, and speak differently. Perhaps many more different than the same. what is marriage Marriage is the process of making those differences into one.
That is why the text says, “A man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” The moment the Holy Spirit is proclaimed, we are united, but at the same time, we must become united for the rest of our lives. So I tell you to fight well. Acknowledge each other's differences when fighting. We should not conflict because we are different, but we should understand and acknowledge our differences.
The second advice is to live with greed.
Man's sin begins with greed. But greed is also greed. You have to completely let go of the greed to fill only your stomach and fill more. But you must live with greed for holy things. The desire to love God the most, the desire to love the church more than anyone else and serve the best, the desire to share more than others This lust can be called “righteous lust, or holy lust.” “How can I please Jesus more?” - I hope you live with this holy desire.
The third advice is to suffer a lot.
Everyone wants to be well, healthy, successful, and blessed. But the purpose of our Christian life cannot remain at the level of non-believers. Because the ultimate purpose of our lives is for the glory of God. We cannot remain at the most secular level because He has been our Creator and made us our children through our language, our deeds, and all of our lives. If we had to use words familiar to us, this is our mission on this earth. Those who want to fulfill their mission do not live for themselves. Even if you say a word of prayer, do not limit yourself to your limits. Other people's pain should be mine.
The fourth advice is to leave your parents.
Whenever the Bible talks about marriage, the most important word to mention is “leave your parents”. Leaving your parents does not mean living without your parents. The Bible places more emphasis on honoring parents than anything else. leave your parents To leave your parents means to become emotionally and mentally independent. Even after getting married, they are not mentally and emotionally independent, so if they depend on their parents, they cannot lead a healthy family life.
If someone is important to you, you should give that person the highest value. “Whoever humbles himself is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”