Title: What Do You Have/Exodus 4:1~17
Content What do you have?
"And the LORD said to him, "What is in your hand?" He said, "A staff." (Exodus 4:1-17)
Moses must have been one of the brilliant leaders in the history of Israel as well as in the history of mankind. The time God entered and wrote was not Moses' youth, but his 80 years of disappointment and frustration. At that time, Moses had nothing.
First, I had a cane. God first asked what you had. Moses replied that it was a staff.
When the staff came out of Moses' hand, it became a serpent. The serpent symbolizes Satan. When our lives are out of God's hand, they become a use for use by Satan from that time onwards. However, as God commanded them, when they caught the snake, it became a staff, which in verse 20 is called the staff of God. It matters whose hand we hold. If it is seized by God's hand, it becomes an instrument of righteousness, and if it is seized by the devil's hand, it becomes an instrument of unrighteousness. Whose hands do you want to hold?
Second, they have fragile hands. God commanded Moses to put his hand into his bosom, and Moses put it in, but when he took it out, he was leprous and white as snow. Until now, Moses has guided the sheep as well as daily life with that hand. But his hand contracted leprosy. If God does not hold on to us, we are incompetent beings.
Third, he had a stupid mouth. Moses was not fluent in speech and was afraid of God's call because he was a man with a dull tongue. Moses refused, saying, "I am 80 years old, and my staff, feeble hands, and trembling mouth cannot do the work of God. God send someone to send." God said, "Who made man's mouth, or who made the mute or the deaf? Do not worry; I will be with your mouth, and I will teach you what to say."
If we try to live according to God's will, God always gives us strength and makes us bear it (James 1:5). God fills our shortcomings so that we can do God's work. Prayer: Heavenly Father. What we have is five bottles, and through the weak things like dry sticks or what we have, please fulfill God's work. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.