Title: What is the Holy Spirit?
What is Holy Spirit?
Luke 1:1-2, Acts 2:1-4, Ephesians 5:17-18
1. Introduction
When Jesus returned from the Jordan River, being filled with the Holy Spirit, he was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil (Luke 1:1-2). They were all filled with the Holy Spirit (pimpremi) and began to speak in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:3-4).
Today, I would like to share grace while meditating on the meaning of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
2. Understanding the Greek words preles and pimpremi
(1) The New Testament was written in Greek. The Greek words "preres" and "pimpremi" both mean "full-full-full-full-complete-heavy-the time has come-full-without lack-filled-full" I mean. Therefore, the Korean Bible translates both preres and pimpremi as fullness. However, the Greek primordial nuances of preres and pimpremi are quite different. In particular, the Gospel of Luke-Acts clearly distinguishes between freres and philpremi.
(2) 用例 (Example) of “Preres (fullness)” in Luke-Acts
Luke 4:1 (Jesus returned from the Jordan, filled with the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Holy Spirit for forty days in the wilderness...), Acts 6:3 (Brothers, those among you who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, who are praiseworthy Choose seven), Acts 6:5 (the man who was filled with faith and the Holy Spirit...), Acts 6:5 (The man who was filled with the Holy Spirit...) Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith...) and so on. Here, the filling of the Holy Spirit is the Greek word “freres”.
(3) In Luke-Acts, the use of “pimpremi” (fullness)
Luke 1:15 (was filled with the Holy Spirit from her mother's womb..), Luke 1:41 (Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit..), Luke 1:67 (her father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied) Acts 2:4 (They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance), Acts 4:8 (Then Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and said, Rulers and elders...), Acts 4:31 (After praying, the gathering place shook, and all the people were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness), Acts 9:17 (Ananias said, “Brother Saul, ...be filled with the Holy Spirit...), Acts 13:9 (Saul, who is called Paul, was filled with the Holy Spirit and paid attention to him...), etc. Here, the filling of the Holy Spirit is the Greek word “pimpremi”.
3. What is the difference between press-filled and pimpremi-filled with the Holy Spirit?
first. When Luke-Acts speaks of a person's personality-inner piety growing in the gradual-static-continual work of one's daily routine, reaching the stature of the stature of Christ, "Preresses" (fullness)” was used.
Last week, I went to an Ibins coffee shop run by the deacon of Sangsang Central Church in Taebaek and received a bottle of “Fall in Dutch-coffee” as a gift. Just like that, Drop by Drop - drop by drop - day by day - little by little, little by little, we obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit and our personality is perfected (Be perfect personality under the guiding of the Holy Sprit).
second. Luke-Acts uses the word “pimpremi” when referring to the filling of the Holy Spirit when it occurs in a situation of sudden and urgent crisis - adversity beyond human strength - when the direct intervention of God the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary.
If “press-fulfillment” is the usual gradual filling, “pimpremi-fulfillment” is the filling that God the Holy Spirit directly intervenes to fill in for the solution of a certain crisis. . In other words, the pres-fulfillment is the fullness that is gradually and increasingly sanctified in daily life, and the pimpremi-fulfillment is a limited period-temporarily- Intermittent fullness that protrudes.
In Mark's Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost - the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus - in the garden (garden), "Walk modestly as in the daytime, not in licentiousness or drunkenness, not in licentiousness or sensuality, not quarrels or envy, but clothe yourself in the Lord Jesus Christ for lust. In the case of John Wesley of the Methodist Church who was filled with the Holy Spirit at a faith meeting held at Augustine-Aldersgate Street, who was converted to the words of “Do not seek the works of the flesh” (Romans 13:13-14), Philpremie-Filled with the Holy Spirit.
third. Whether Freres-Filling with the Holy Spirit or Pimpremi-Filling with the Holy Spirit, the filling of the Holy Spirit that the Bible speaks of is not any psychological-mental ecstasy or ecstasy experience. The Bible strictly warns against such things (Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not be deceived by the prophets and fortune-tellers among you, and do not immediately hear the dreams you have dreamed, and believe them. Jeremiah 29:8).
The filling of the Holy Spirit in the Bible means that within the guidance of God the Holy Spirit, the ability to cope best with oneself and the family-neighbor-church-work-social situation-correct wisdom is brightened-filled.