Title: When the Church Falls...
second week of december
When the Church Falls...
Matthew 23:16-22
Saints! What happens when the church falls?
If you look at verse 16 in today's text, people are not interested in the temple. I am only interested in the gold in the temple. Where are our thoughts now? How corrupt are you? The whole mind is focused on the gold of the temple rather than the temple. And it drives human behavior. The Lord reminds us of the corruption of the church through all things material, both then and now. This is rebuked in the Bible by the word ‘blind guide’. This is analogous to the way the blind lead the blind.
What does the church do? It is to lead people to God. And it is the church's job to lead them to eternal life. If the economy or culture is corrupted, it will be uncomfortable and disadvantageous at that time, but if the church is corrupted, people will not be saved. There is no workaround for this problem. This is the problem. The Christian life of the fallen church is like a wheelless car. We must prevent corruption and degeneration in all fields, but above all, we must prevent the corruption of the church and the corruption of the saints.
Today, the church is hereditary. They try to imitate the false appearance of churches in the Middle Ages. We do not see the temple with our eyes, as the Lord said in the Bible, but we see gold in the temple. Inevitably, the church must be reformed. It must be constantly reformed. And the church must fight and overcome the image that is about to fall. So it must be a dynamic church. To this end, the saints must be crucified daily. If I am alive, the church will never become one. It cannot be recovered. The church must be in essence the role of light and salt in the salvation of the world.
Saints! We must all work together to make the church more like the church. The church must not be stained by the world. It's time to make every effort to make the church the church of God. And our New Sarang Church must not lose its essence, nor compromise with the world or change.
I hope that you and I will continue to serve the church with prayer in building the church right.