Title: When you are tempted (Matthew 06:13)
Content (Introduction) It is no exaggeration to say that the life of faith is a continuous process of testing. Even in human society, you can't leave the problem of exams from the time you enter public school until you die. All human progress and strata come through trials. There are two types of tests in the life of faith. It is a test from God and a test from the devil. The test that God gives is "Tokimajo", a test for stability, development, and improvement, and the test the devil gives is "peirajo", a test that tempts us to disobey God and fall into sin. In today's Lord's Prayer, asking us to escape the temptation is referring to the devil's temptation.
1. Believe firmly in God's promise. (Hebrews 11:17-19) "Abraham offered Isaac by faith when he was being tested, and he was the one who received the promise, but he gave his only begotten Son. He already said to me, Yes. He said, " It will be through Isaac who will be called offspring." He thought that God was able to raise him from the dead, so in a metaphorical way he was raised from the dead."
2. Pray. (Luke 22:46) "He said to him, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray, so that you may not fall into temptation." (Peter prayed while drowsy, Judas did not.)
3. Rejoice. (James 1:2-4) “My brothers, when you meet various trials, rejoice completely, for you know that the trial of your faith produces endurance. to be complete and complete, so that there is nothing lacking.” 1) Patience, the source of faith, is produced 2) All things work together for good 3) A better foundation for blessings is produced
4. Admit good results. 1) Positive results 2) Gratitude (Conclusion): When we are tested in our life of faith, we can live a more mature life of faith when we firmly believe in God's promises and pray with joy and acknowledge positive results.