Title: When you are tempted/Matthew 6:13
Content (Introduction)
It is no exaggeration to say that the life of faith is a process of continuous testing.
no. Even in human society, exams have been a problem from the moment they enter public school.
I can't leave until I die. All human development and classes are
comes through hum There are two types of tests in the life of faith. that
is a test from God and a test from the devil. God
The test given by Juju is "Tokimajo", a poem for stability and development and improvement.
It is a hazard, and the temptation the devil gives is a "fei," which seduces us,
It is a temptation to disobey God and fall into sin. cycle today
Asking you to escape the temptation in the gate is the devil's temptation.
did it
(Main subject)
1. Believe firmly in God's promises (Hebrews 11:17-19)
“Abraham offered Isaac by faith when he was being tested.
I am the one who received the promise, but I gave my only begotten Son. to me
It has already been said that the one who will be called your descendants is by Isaac.
He said, "He is able to God from among the dead."
I thought that He would raise me up again, figuratively speaking from the dead.
received with
2. Pray. (Luke 22:46)
“Why do you sleep?
Do it."
(Peter prayed while drowsy, Judas did not.)
3. Rejoice. (James 1:2-4)
“My brethren, when you meet various trials,
Despise it, for the trial of your faith produces patience
ye know that ye shall have perfect patience, that ye may be
and be prepared so that there will be no lack of anything.”
1) Patience, the source of faith, is produced
2) All things work together for good
3) Produce a better foundation for blessings
4. Admit good results.
1) Positive results 2) Appreciation
(Conclusion): When you are tested in your life of faith, you firmly believe in God's promises.
When you pray with joy and acknowledge the positive results
You can lead a more mature life of faith.