Title: When You Become the Joy of God
When God's Joy
“The color of a king is life, and his benefits are like clouds of the latter rain” (Proverbs 16:15).
I. Text Commentary
Today, this passage of Scripture will be easier to understand if we have a knowledge of the background of the king's time. I made a big mistake and was dragged before the king, so I closed my eyes and gave up deeply on life and bowed my head, saying, “Sinners should raise their heads,” but their voices are different. When you say that, it means "I'll take a look". When he looked up, the king's face was full of laughter. Then you get life.
II. king's color
How much less is God, the judges do not have all the power, but God does have all the power. When God smiles broadly at us, it is truly happiness for us.
Then, the king of the servants in this world is the king of their own country, but our king is only God! The life of faith is the life of living under the rule of God in that very kingdom of God. The King, God, “is pleased with us.” This is the color of kingship in the Bible. What happens when the king's bliss is full? That is the guarantee of life. When it brings great joy to the king, God gives life to all who have sinned and deserved punishment, and who are in a position to suffer because of their own unhappiness.
We were originally people who were enemies with God. That was the framework of the last few weeks of sermons. We are humans by nature enmity with God. That too, from the beginning to the end, we were in a relationship with God that was deeply enmity filled with feelings of antipathy and hostility, but at that time we had no life. But strangely, God was pleased with us even though we were still sinners. There were many people who went to church before us, and there were many people who were better and more knowledgeable than us, but strangely, God was pleased to save me and become a child of God. I don't know why, but he was happy. So strictly speaking, we don't know why God pleased us, but what we do know is that, rather than pleasing us, He took pleasure in the sacrifice of Jesus, who gave His life for us, and that by virtue of that sacrifice we will be saved. You can come to the conclusion that In this way, the joy of God the King evokes the work of salvation and life for many people today.
B. Benefit
This work of life does not only happen in salvation. If the king's face is full of whiteness, he will receive God's favor. This grace is said to be “like a cloud that gives the late rain.” The province of Israel is a province with very little precipitation. So when it rains, it is a country that receives the water and eats it. It rains twice regularly, and when it rains early, the seeds are sown by the rain, and when the latter rain comes at the last time when it is about to bear fruit, it holds the rain and the crops bear fruit. When the sun shines warmly, the harvest will come. In the Bible, God's blessings are described several times as sending the early and latter rains at the right time. This is the secret to a prosperous harvest in an agricultural society. The life of a person pleasing to God is a life that is clothed with such grace.
I want to ask you guys today. Are there any benefits of life? Do you have the joy of meeting the Lord in your work life? ‘God uses people like me to accomplish His work here!’ Do you have a testimony of grace in your home? ‘God is with our family! You give us the grace of life! We haven't been able to serve God so far, but the blessings God has bestowed on us are amazing! “Belief in Jesus Jesus has received many evidences. Jesus Jesus, give me more faith in the precious Jesus.” Such a gracious work of testimony takes place. What is it? It is God's blessing.
III. Be the one who pleases God
A person's life that is pleasing to God is not always prosperous. Rather, he gives suffering to those he loves. However, those who please God make a beautiful sound in such a time of great suffering. In the history of the Church, many beautiful hymns were written during the most painful times. So the church is like a lily. The more you prick it, the more it smells. However, the water only flows, and this amazing work of life takes place. This is the history of Euntaek. So, in the end, what is the most important thing in our lives? One wish I want, that is to bring joy to the heart of the Lord. We are not born to sin, but “If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. Whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Here, though we are away, to please the Lord…” This is the desire of our hearts this should be
IV. Conclusion and application