Title: Who Hears This
Where there is light there is darkness, and where there is history of life, there is always death. Now, the vigorous work of the Holy Spirit, which started in Mark's upper room, is enough to unite the whole church with “one heart and one mind.” However, in this couple's heart, the Holy Spirit that is in everyone is gone, and "Satan is in your heart" (;3) In the community of the Holy Spirit, this couple was filled with Satan like a speck of jade. Satan is a deceiver, a false spirit. This is a liar. This false spirit was occupying the couple. Of course, they may not have brought Satan in, but the greed (vanity) to imitate glory and respect in Barnabas' field may have been the motive for Satan's establishment. The saints are filled with the Holy Spirit only through faith, but these couples do not have the faith they should have, and they want to be respected, so greed took place instead of faith.
And we must always watch and pray so that we do not give up our hearts to Satan and become Satan's playground, so we must live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, let's not hesitate to always repent for the restoration of our broken hearts. At that time, God will heal our weaknesses and faults and build us up with strength and holiness.