Title: Who Is Greater Than John the Baptist
Subject: Who Is Greater Than John the Baptist
Bible text:
Isaiah 40:1-11 Feelings cannot always be true.
Mark 1:1-8 Who is stronger than me
Isaiah 40:1-11 Feelings cannot always be true.
1. Reflecting on two important concerns
One). Prophet's Calling Ryu Structure
Exodus 3: 1-15 Moses' calling and Judges 6: 1-12 (13-17) Gideon's calling
2). The story of the prophet's calling is (1) facing holiness, (2) introducing the Word, and (3) the word
There are (6) targets of commissioning, (4) rejecting, (5) reassurance.
2. Two Questions
One). who called?
2). What is the context (situation) of the calling?
The story of the prophetic calling in the text of Isaiah is the story of the calling of the Israelites in the 7th century B.C. (Isaiah 6). Bible scholars have said that Isaiah 40 contains the prophetic calling of the 6th century B.C. exile. Isaiah 40 describes the situation in which the Israelites overcome their doubts about the nihilism of the chosen people. It provides an experience that confirms the truth of the nihilism of the people of Israel who have lost their country. So Isaiah, who had to critically evaluate Israel's religious experience during the captivity, critically evaluates the hopeless captivity situation, and challenges the situation by submitting a message of hope.
1-2 Israel Facing the Holy God
3-5 Introduction to the Word of God
6a Delegating the word of salvation
6b-7 Isaiah's refusal (against)
8-11 Reaffirmation of the Prophet
Isaiah's second calling is a difficult text to convey in the contemporary church because it is the root of creation theology. This text has meaning only as a basis of salvation for our experience as a calling to ask questions to reach the conclusion of faith in God. Such forms of experience of faith characterize the theology of reward and punishment. Central to the concept of reward and punishment theology is the belief in the habits involved between actions drawn from outside. This habit is a reflective but dangerous belief in the power of God because it establishes the ethical nature of life.
Mark 1:1-8 Who is stronger than me
John the Baptist is not the Messiah. John the Baptist is a prophet. He foretold Christ to the fullness of God's promises of salvation. Jesus Christ is the issue of baptism in the Holy Spirit, that is, the Holy Spirit, the presence and power of God's saving grace, makes us aware of the christological suffering content that is the focus of theology that came to us through Jesus Christ. It is an understanding of the theological development of human nature and habits.
The text presents Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Son of Man. The text refers to the work of God in warfare against the forces of evil for the salvation of mankind, and Jesus, the Son of Man, who does the will of God. Jesus, who died on the cross to give the life of Christ in the habits of humanity for the salvation of humanity, is the Son of Man. So Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus, the Son of God, gave himself as a servant of men, and even gave himself to serve others. Jesus, the Son of God, was prepared for the salvation of humanity by the love of God and the essentially self-forsaken, serving nature of God.
What is the meaning of the gospel?
1 Complex practical themes
2-3 The awakening of early Christians (see Isaiah 40:3)
5 Popularity of John the Baptist
6 A prominent expression of John the Baptist
The gospel is the fullness of God's promises struck upon the inspiration of God during a religious witness to humanity in the most prominent way in God's special work in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, with a focus on the content of the person of Jesus. The Son of God was certified (founded) in the original text of the Gospel of Mark. Controversy that specifically questioned and criticized the traditional ideas of the oldest and best manuscripts, Jesus the Son of Man and Jesus the Son of God, were equally expressed. Understanding the name of Jesus in Mark's Gospel is a central theological theme.
The role model of John the Baptist has been prepared for us. We are waiting to be called between the beginning and the end of the ministry of witnessing to Christ. The characteristic of our common life is to begin the life of Jesus Christ the Greater than John the Baptist, who returned to God to live a peaceful and upright life and gave himself to save our humanity. There is reason to introduce the role model of this era as ?쏡etroit Bonhoeffer??