Title: Why Are You Suffering?
Why did Jesus suffer? Why do we believe in Jesus? The essential identity of a Christian is in the suffering and cross of Jesus.
1. Why did Jesus suffer?
First, because of our sins (Isaiah 53:6). Isaiah tells us that all our lives have been like sheep, and each has gone astray. Sheep are powerless animals. To walk without a shepherd means destruction. But foolishly, each of the sheep went astray. Everyone goes to the path they say they are blessed, but they choose only the path that suffers, and they each go the path of happiness, but they choose only the path without hope. In verses 4-6, “we” is repeated 9 times. What are we? It is an existence that cannot avoid suffering and suffering. It is a being who has committed a sin with a fault. Life is like a sheep that behaves as you please. Nevertheless, God laid upon him the iniquity of all of us (v. 6). Jesus' suffering was for one purpose. That is, to pay the penalty for our sins. It is because of our sins that Jesus was pierced, bruised, disciplined, and whipped.
Second, because they love us. But people don't realize it. We thought that he was chastised, struck by God, and suffered (v. 4). To Jesus, who was handed over to Pilate by the religious leaders, a large crowd cried out, “Crucify Jesus!” Why did you die like that? Romans 5:8 says, “God demonstrates his love for us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” In other words, the suffering of the cross is an event that confirmed God's love for us. He gave his life to save us. What could be greater love than this? The cross has two meanings. It shows the size of our sins that Jesus had to shed His blood for, and on the other hand, it shows the infinite love of God who suffered for such sinners. We sinned to the point of death, but God loved us to the point of death.
2. In what way did Jesus suffer?
3. What was the result of Jesus' suffering?