Title: Wisdom is in the heart
wisdom is in the heart
1 Kings 3:16-28
The story of Solomon's trial is well known even by those who do not attend church. There were two prostitutes who gave birth to children at the same time, and one prostitute crushed and killed her own child while sleeping. And exchanged the dead child for the living child of another prostitute. And each other said that the dead were each other's children, and the living were theirs. Because science was not yet advanced, it was not known which of the two was right. Solomon brought a knife and told him to cut the child into pieces and divide them into pieces. At that time, the real mother told her to give the child to her because she would not claim the title to save the child. King Solomon ruled that the woman who told him not to kill the child was the real mother. And this judgment has been passed down for a long time.
Scholars who have studied wisdom today say that Solomon made wise judgments in this story because he used his emotions. I didn't have the intelligent to solve this problem. However, the mother made the right decision using the emotions she had for her child. It was something that knowledge could not do, it was done using emotion. Wisdom comes when knowledge and emotion are in harmony. When a person encounters difficulties in life, it seems that the only option is to die. At that time, if you judge only by your intellect, you will have no choice but to die. But emotions prevent bad judgment. I think that there is no other way than to die, but I feel like, ‘If I die, how will my parents, my brothers, and the people who love me be disappointed?
In this age, knowledge is very important. Children do not have emotions because they only emphasize knowledge. They do not understand the pain and suffering of others. So there is bullying. Because there are not many ways to evaluate emotions, all evaluations are made by intelligence. That's why the world values intellect, but overvalues it.
But Jesus did not emphasize the intellect. Everything Jesus asked of us is emotional. Love, forgive, have pity on one another, rejoice and give thanks. We must judge all things with a heart of love, a heart of forgiveness, and a heart of pity in our hearts. If you judge only with your intelligent, you will make the wrong decision. If you make decisions with negative emotions, such as anger or hate, you will make foolish decisions. Love, forgiveness and compassion make us wise.