Title: Words of January 21st
< Dear friends! The Bible says that our God is the blessed God. It also tells us that He is a God who delights in blessing His children. The book of Deuteronomy is the message given to the people of Israel who left Egypt just before they entered the Promised Land after spending 40 years in the wilderness. The word “blessing” appears 11 times in the text. “Do this, and you will be blessed.” Do at least this, and you will be blessed. This morning, I want to share the grace with the title of "If you do so, you will be blessed".
I. Heed God's Word
< Listening to God's word, keeping it and doing it is obedience. This is a prerequisite for receiving God's blessing. At least this should be done. Heed the word of God, and all blessings will come to you. What should I do first?
Dear all! I pray that you will become a blessed saint who listens to God's word and keeps it.
II. Then you will be blessed
< It was said that obedience to the word of the Lord brings blessings.
< Dear friends! I pray that all of us who listen to the word of God and obey it will be able to do it. So, I pray that you receive the blessing of peace, abundance, and excellence from God. May God bless you anytime, anywhere.