Title: Words to me in 2003 (2)...
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2003 Words given to me (2) You are mine (Exodus 19:5-6) 2003.01.15.
Israel left Egypt and pitched a tent in the wilderness. Israel is traveling right now. In the wilderness, supplies are scarce and the climate is not good. This is enough to make you consider yourself unhappy. But they are happy. You are free because you are from Egypt. They form a community life among themselves. There is hope to enter Canaan. Most of all, I am happy because I have faith with God. Walking with God is the greatest blessing and happiness. Our members are people who enjoy this kind of happiness. After setting up a tent in the wilderness of Sinai, Moses meets God. God speaks to Moses. It is the Sinai covenant, and it is the word that grants the greatest blessings.
God said that he led the chosen Israel on the wings of eagles. To lead you on the wings of an eagle has the following meaning.
The words that appear in today's text are God's deliverance of the people of Israel from Egypt. Israel was enslaved in Egypt for 430 years. The number of 430 years must be taken seriously. In other words, no one is 430 years old. So, he was born into slavery. After a few dozen generations, I was born as a slave, grew up as a slave, and lived as a slave. Slavery was very ingrained in them. The Lord has saved such a poor man. This in itself is a great miracle, rescued from Egypt and placed in the wilderness of Sinai, and now God is training them.
Now, among the words that train people of God, the overall word is in today's text. I have delivered you out of Egypt. You are here now from Egypt. Now my relationship with you is like this. God says He will protect you with eagle wings. This is how the relationship between God and his people is described in symbolic terms called eagle wings.
In Exodus 32:11, we see that Moses led the Israelites in the wilderness for forty years. When I live as a leader and die at an old age, I say the same thing while looking back on my forty years of life just before I passed away. Just as an eagle disturbs the place of the gospel, flaps over its young, spreads its wings to receive the young, and puts it on its wings, so the Lord alone led them. He protected you with eagle's wings. You say this in one word.
The eagle is the king of birds, a symbol of strength and majesty, freedom and valor
This has a deep meaning. The eagle is king among birds. It is a symbol of strength and majesty, a symbol of freedom and valor. The sight of an eagle flying high, spreading its wings all day long and flying on a branch, is a sight to behold. It's invincible. There is no one against him, and this is the eagle. Many people are envious of his spirit, so he even makes an eagle as his symbol. There are 48 species of eagles on this planet. And when he builds a nest or destroys a house, no one can infringe, and he builds a mochi nest on the cliff on the high wall of the deep mountain. The nest is 2.7m in diameter and close to 3m in diameter. If you look at the nest, it is said that one nest weighs 2 tons. After making such a large nest, they live in it. After giving birth, it is said that when he descends to slash his head towards his prey, he travels at a speed of 180 km/h. On the other hand, every time he flies, he has a radius of 90 km in diameter, so he can fly far away looking for food and roam like this.
But today's text is about the eagle and its young. He gives birth to a baby in the nest, wakes it up, takes it up, feeds it a little bit, and when it's big and flying, he drops the chick off the cliff. If you push it down with your feet, the cub will fall from that height and scream that it will die. You will fall and die and resent it. They try to hit me and push me to death, but when I'm floundering, they watch me from a distance just before I hit the ground, and then they come down and kick me up on my back. Go and put it in the nest, then take a break and do it again. Keep doing this for a few days all day. So the eagle teaches its young to fly. It teaches eagles to fly and makes their wings strong. And it teaches you to live as an eagle. This is how the eagle lives. Being born as an eagle is not an eagle. It means that you can train it to produce an eagle of a healthy phase.
Painless Music (Example)
George Gershwin is a Pulitzer Prize-winning composer. He has written numerous masterpieces such as "Americans in Paris" and has contributed to sublimating jazz into deep music. Originally, all of his songs were upbeat and popular, earning money and fame very early. Then one day at a party, a friend named Otokan gave this advice. "Your music lacks an element of sadness. Maybe it's because you've succeeded so quickly that you've never experienced pain. But human tears are the real fertilizer for art."
He was so impressed with this advice that he broke his $250,000 contract and began composing in a new style, which resulted in the opera "porgy and Bess," about a lame black beggar girl.
Pain is the foundation of a new life. Peter's interpretation that the suffering of the cross became the beginning of the joy and life of the resurrection is still true today. So the Russian writer Dostoevsky called the epilepsy he had suffered all his life "a holy disease." This is because suffering was seen as the holy hand of God who raised him. He wrote masterpieces that will remain in the hearts of mankind while suffering the Siberian type, the death of his wife and children, forced labor and many serious illnesses. They were not the product of peace and wealth, but indeed the product of suffering.
It means to lead with strong hands and outstretched arms.
In order to guide those who were slaves of Egypt, the strong hand of God who judged the mighty Egypt was needed. In order to lead Israel to the promised land of Canaan, God parted the sea, gave them victory in the war, and had to perform the miracle of dropping manna and quail and the miracle of breaking water from the rock.
It means very quick guidance.
Just as an eagle carries its young and flies quickly, it means that God leads Israel quickly from Egypt to Canaan. For the past 430 years, in the place of captivity and slavery, only for 50 days or so, God intervened in Israel to come out into the wilderness. He quickly solved all problems and opened the way for them, so that in just 50 days, God led Israel to the point where you can think of when you became a slave in Egypt.
It means incomparably great guidance.
Eagles are said to fly higher than any other bird. It is that God did not just lead Israel like a bird flying on a branch. Just as an eagle soars high up to the top of the clouds, so God has mobilized all kinds of miracles and moving for Israel to lead Israel abundantly.
It means caring and guiding.
No matter how raptor the eagle may be, his love for his young is as great as any bird. Even vultures feed from their young and care for them in their nests. They also train their young to fly well. Such is God's guidance. Even though they complained and complained about Israel, God did not lead them just as fearful fathers with a rod and scolding them. God endured them to the end. Be patient with them. He fed them and clothed them.
It means strong training and guidance.
When an eagle raises its young, it is said that it is raised as a bird with strong wings by frequently dropping the young from high air and making them flap their wings. This is how God guides Israel. God made Israel strong. You have created numerous enemies and barren environments. Amalek appeared, and a waterless, dry desert was before them. By going through situations like these, God strengthened them. Israel, which had a slave nature, gradually turned into a powerful army through this process. Why did God lead Israel in this way?
To make it a special possession of God.
?쏽ou shall be mine among the nations?╈?In fact, everything in the world belongs to God. Then, what is the reason for the special designation of Israel as My Own in the text? It means that the whole world belongs to God, but only Israel, the people who keep God's covenant, will be the most precious possession.
It is that God will regard Israel as the most secure protection of the treasure in the house, and regard it as a special joy. It means that he brought Israel out to do that. We must not forget that God has called us to benefit us. We should be able to thank you for calling us for our happiness and our good.
to make it a kingdom of priests.
The priest goes to God and offers sacrifices for the people. God did not have all the people of Israel come to God to make sacrifices, but commanded the Levites to do the work separately. In this way, God did not tell the whole world to come before Him, but He set a special people apart. Israel. God wanted the whole world to come before God through Israel.
In particular, he wanted the people of the world to yearn for the kingdom of God when they saw the special guidance and blessings that Israel would enjoy through the way they kept the word of God. Because of this, He wanted the nations to appear before God. For that purpose Israel had to be set apart and become a holy people. A people specially set apart for God's work, they were Israel.
There is a requirement for God to make them His property, a kingdom of priests, and a holy people. "If you listen carefully to my words and keep my covenant..." In order to be protected and kept as God's special possessions, it was necessary to keep God's Word. Being sanctified and fulfilling the role of a kingdom of priests also depended on whether we followed and kept God's word.
the whole world is mine
God created the heavens and the earth. God is the owner of the whole world. God rules the whole world. He rules the land and the sea. God rules over all the nations, over Egypt, over Israel, and over Canaan. You control time. He rules over Israel's past, and he rules over the present and the future. Everything in the world belongs to God. The God who owns the world has become the God of Israel. For Israel, this is the greatest blessing. Even if life in the wilderness is difficult right now, just thinking about this can help you get through it. It is a blessing to us that the God who rules the world becomes our God. Even if there are hardships in our lives, we can overcome them with this blessing.
listen to me
God who excels above the world, what should we do first if we stand before the God who owns and rules the world? Our eyes do not dare see the brilliance of glory. Our hands cannot even touch the hem of God's robe. First, we must hear the voice of God. ?쏧 wish to hear??(Psalm 81:8). It is a blessing that God speaks to us.