Title: work and life
work and life
John 6:24-35
work and human
The human figure shown in the Bible is that we must work to eat and live. In Genesis 3:19, God said to Adam, who sinned, “You will eat food in the sweat of your face.” Also, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, “If anyone does not want to work, he must not eat.” So many people have a complicated understanding of the issue of eating and living. In other words, he thought that in order to sustain life, he had to obtain land - sow seeds - sweat on his face - overcoming obstacles such as thistles and thorns - and eat fruits - to sustain life. But in today's text, Jesus speaks briefly. In other words, it is ‘If you believe in me, you work (29), and it is the way to eventually gain life (35) that will never hunger or thirst’.
Believing in Jesus - A Life of Grace
Believing in Jesus is never about pursuing worldly food. However, it seems that many people seek 'perishable food' from Jesus Christ and only hope for 'eat and be satisfied' (26). To believe in Jesus is to pursue a life that overcomes our limitations. The way of faith is to go beyond our mortal limits and lead to life. When we make this our priority in life and become the best worker in God's eyes, anyone can enjoy the true joy of life. It is also a path to spiritual growth. The life of believing in Jesus means devoting our whole life to God. Spiritually, it is a life of godliness, that is, coming to the Lord through worship and prayer. It is to come to the Lord voluntarily, and physically to practice what we have learned, received, heard, and seen, and achieve the Lord's peace in our living environment (Phil 4:9). If your spirit, soul, and body walk on this perfect path of faith until the day when the Lord comes, the true blessing of life will spring from there.
Jesus going ahead