Title: You Are My God (2 Kings 2:1
Title: You Are My God Only / 2 Kings 2:1
When the people of Israel returned from their Babylonian captivity,
Dog and Zechariah appointed Zerubbabel, governor of Judea, and Joshua, high priest.
made the temple bark. At that time, I faced countless difficulties, but God
A promise is not made by force, but by my spirit.
Encouraging him and the Holy Spirit like Zerubbabel, and a great mountain went before him.
prophesied that it would be flat. We too have received the robe of the Holy Spirit.
You will experience the power of turning a great mountain into a flat land when you wear it.
Today Elisha asked for the double of the Holy Spirit before Elijah, and as a result,
By recognizing the motive we have obtained, we also receive the robe
You must live (2 Kings 2:1-13).
(Main subject)
1. Gilgal's Experience
1) It is located on the east side of Jericho and commemorates the 12 stones brought from the Jordan.
to remind the children of the great power of God.
2) The Word of God, a book of remembrance
You must become familiar with the power and grace of God.
2. Bethel Experience
1) It means “house of God” and Jacob built an altar here.
Abraham also built an altar here.
2) We must build the altar of the cross of Jesus.
(1) Heart Altar (2) Family Altar (3) Church Altar
God blesses you through the altar.
3. Jericho's Experience
1) When Joshua led Israel into the land of Canaan
It was the first camp of the devil that blocked it, but through the word and faith
knocked it out
2) Break the demonic castle that blocks the path of our own faith
should go
3) Obedience and faith must be evidenced.
4. The experience of crossing the Jordan
1) Jordan River leaves the wilderness behind and enters the land of God's blessing
uh, it's a borderline
2) The Jordan River is the place where Jesus was baptized and is now human-centered
dies in the life of God and begins a God-centered life,
It is a sign of entering the blessing.
(Conclusion): After this process, Elijah suddenly fell into horses and chariots of fire.
and took it up to heaven, and gave the robe to Elisha.
gave it away When we follow Jesus, we too go through this process.
Fill it with the Holy Spirit, the robe of Jesus, and make the Great Mountain flat.