Title: You Belong to God
1 John 4:1-6 You belong to God. Subject: 13. Christ. 2008. 7. 20.
◎ Introduction
It deals with true and false teachers, especially whether their hearts are full of the spirit of truth or of delusion.
※ If we truly love God, we are following the spirit of the true teacher, and that is a sign that we love God.
1. Test the Spirit (1)
2. Test your confession (2~3)
3. Test yourself (4)
4. Test your followers (5-6)
1. Test the Spirit (1)
※ You must test to see if they belong to God.
※ Believers can also be misled by the spirits of false teachers. What is the spirit in the false teacher?
One). A false teacher may have a spirit of light. This is especially true in industrialized societies.
※ This Spirit presents the way of life that seems to be the truth, that is, the way of living itself. It presents a way of life that seems intelligent and full of knowledge and enlightenment.
*Good Life, Emotion, *Progress, *Development, *Confirmation, *Satisfaction, *Achievement, *Education, *Pleasure, *Possession, *Recognition
2). A false teacher may have a spirit of righteousness.
※ Righteousness can be emphasized and taught.
*Morality, *Goodness, *Justice, *Education, *Development, *Public duty, *Giving, *Serving, *Helping
3). A false teacher may emphasize the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
※ You can also emphasize all the good qualities of life that are all the qualities that people should have.
※ They encourage people to imitate the life of Jesus and pay attention to the good qualities of life.
If you do, you can say that God will accept it.
※ The main point is ① We must test the spirits of false teachers. ② There are many false prophets.
※ There are many false teachers out there today that it is difficult to count. so as not to be misled by them
In order to do so, everyone must try.
(Romans 16:18, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, Gal 1:6-9, 2 Timothy 3:13,)
2. Test your confession (2~3)
※ What are the criteria for judging? It depends on what you believe about Jesus Christ.
※ It indicates whether it is a true spirit or a delusional spirit according to what people admit about Jesus Christ.
One). The true spirit admits that the incarnation of Jesus Christ is true.
※ The Spirit of God cannot confess any other fact other than the truth. Therefore, all teachers indwelt by the Holy Spirit admit the same truth.
① A true teacher acknowledges Jesus as the Savior.
② A true teacher acknowledges Christ as the Messiah. (meaning the anointed of God)
③ A true teacher acknowledges that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
* Acknowledge that the Son of God was sent in human flesh to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible.
(Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, Luke 1:31, John 1:14, Romans 8:3, Phil 2:7, 1 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 2:14-15, 1 John 4:2, 2:23 , 4:15)
2). A false spirit denies the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
① False teachers do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior.
* A great teacher, a religious leader, or the greatest leader.
② The false teacher denies that he is Christ.
* We do not believe that God is the promised Messiah and the anointed One.
③ False teachers do not believe that Jesus Christ came from God.
* They believe that Jesus Christ is merely a human being just like everyone else, to God before anyone else.
I just think of him as a person who has moved closer.
※ False Teachers’ Claims and Mistakes
① Jesus Christ was not without sin. *No one can attain a state of sinlessness.
② Jesus Christ's death did not die as a ransom for man's sins.
* He is a great martyr who died for the cause of death and righteousness.
③ The resurrection of Jesus Christ did not happen. *It is only a description of spiritual truth.
※ If humans need to know God and the spiritual world, God must come into the world and reveal the truth to us. There is no other way. Therefore, denying the incarnation is the fatal mistake of denying that we can be saved.
※ If imperfect beings are allowed to enter it, it is no longer perfect. He did not have a good insight into the kingdom of heaven. Imperfection cannot be crossed over to perfection.
(1 John 4:1, Matthew 10:33, Mark 8:38, 2 Peter 2:1,9, 1 John 2:22, Gal 1:6-9, Matthew 5:19, 1 Tim 1:7, 4:1-2 , 6:3, ...)
3. Test yourself (4)
※ There are two ways to test yourself.
One). Ask yourself if we belong to God.
※ We know whether a person knows God according to the fruits of his life and what he cherishes.
2). Ask yourself if we are resisting the spirit of false teachers.
※ Because the indwelling Spirit of God is great, He enables us to defeat false teachers.
(John 14:17, 16:13, Romans 8:9, 14, 1 Corinthians 2:12-13, 3:16, 1 John 2:27, 3:24, 4:13)
4. Test your followers (5-6)
※ By looking at those who follow the teacher, you can tell whether it is a lie or not.
One). False teachers are followed by the world.
※ Since false teachers belong to the world, they speak of the world.
Because the messages of false teachers appeal to the world, the world listens to them.
※ Approaches to God are human-centered and focus on what humans do.
(Luke 18:9, John 8:42-43, 46-47, Romans 1:20-22, 1 Corinthians 1:18-21, 8:2, 10:12, Gal 6:3, Isaiah 5:21, 47 :8~10...)
2). True teachers are followed by those who know God.
※ They know and admit that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has become incarnate.
※ Evidence is ① the incarnation, ② the righteousness of Jesus Christ, ③ the death of Jesus Christ, ④ the resurrection of Jesus Christ.