Title: You Will Prosper / Joshua 1:1-9
Prosperity means that everything is going well. That is, all wishes are
It's a pity that it's done. When you thought you had to make money this year
If you can make money and you think you will get married this year, you will get married.
that's a pain As the saying in the chorus of Hymn 434 says, "Whatever you may find,
It will prosper." Among the many and many people in this world, how many people are living prosperous?
will it be “If it doesn’t work this year, it will be next year,” and living deceiving each day
I wonder if this is our life. However, this text tells us the way to success.
is teaching “Wherever you go, you will prosper.” “Your road will be smooth.
and you will prosper.” God is teaching us the way to success.
Members of the church pray for the blessing of all things prosper this year.
1. In order for all things to be successful, we must first obey God's Word (verses 1-3)
After Moses died, God led the Israelites to Joshua.
He commanded them to go to the inner land. For 40 years, they had not eaten well and had not undergone military training.
I thought it would be unreasonable to lead a people who were not made up against the seven tribes of Canaan.
Knowing this, Joshua obeyed and went forward, for he was confident.
According to Numbers 13:1-33, one man from each of the 12 tribes was elected to spy out the land of Canaan.
Only Joshua and Caleb were sure of the victory, and the representatives of the 10 tribes all failed.
Joshua had promised to give the land of Canaan to the Israelites.
It is me, and I can have the confidence that I will be able to win.
Serving reluctantly, to maintain face, or fear of being punished
Easy to win. But Joshua and Obedience are willing to obey with confidence and confidence.
It was the enemy's obedience.
It was. The time when Genesis 12 tells us to leave our hometown, or Genesis 22
I have faith that He will raise even the dead, even when they were told to offer it as a burnt offering.
It was put into action (Hebrews 11:17). Malachi 3:8-10 says that ye pay tithes
He told me to test it to see if it would give me a blessing. According to 1 Samuel 15:22-23
He is saying that he took more pleasure in obedience than burnt offerings or other sacrifices.
Multi-faceted obedience is more important than today's worship practices. God is your
He has repeatedly pointed out that blessings will be given to those who keep the commandments (Deuteronomy 10:13, 11:13,
2. Those who are strong and courageous can prosper (verses 6-8)
It is said that the Israelites were like grasshoppers compared to the Canaanites (Numbers 13:
33). Therefore, he had to be strong and courageous.
(1) First, he told me not to let the book of the law depart from my mouth.
God's Word is our strength, because all of them are God's promises.
We know a lot of God's Word, but few keep it. this is no cow
it is of no use.
(2) I was told not to lean to the left or to the right
We tend to lean toward people, material things, and God.
It is not good to be biased. It is also good to be biased toward God and forget about human duty.
is not
3. We can prosper when God is with us (verse 9)
“Wherever you go, the Lord your God is with you” (verse 9). God does
If you do, you will suffer. According to Genesis 39:2-3, Joseph was a servant in Potiphar's house.
“The LORD was with Joseph, and he prospered, and his master
He was in Ram's house... and he saw that the LORD prospered in all things." Joseph said
Although I had neither learned nor seen anything, I prospered because God was with me.
Unlike the usual saying that we are together, God intervenes and
It means to instruct, to direct, and to control. That way it can be annoying.
Let's try to get the blessing of prosperity. To do this, obey the word of God.
Let's not lean to the left or right by having a strong and bold tone. God is with you
You will receive the blessing of prospering with