Title Become Abraham (2010.5.30)
Date: May 30, 2010
Word: Genesis 17:1-8
Title: Be Abraham
At the age of 75, Abraham was called by God in Genesis 12 and became God's chosen child and father of faith from among natural men. 24 years have passed since then, and at this time, just before God gives the promised child, he appears to Abraham and speaks again. .
To be Abraham means to live for a relationship with God, not a natural person.
Natural people refer to those who live in God's creation history and in God's breath, but live for the purpose of the world, regardless of God. So God again commanded Abraham to be circumcised. Circumcision is a sign of the covenant and refers to a relationship with God. The Christian's name should be a name given by God, and a name for God's purpose. It must be a name that testifies and confesses the Lord. The name for ambition or happiness for nature should be changed to a name related to the kingdom of God. Because my relationship with God is more important than any relationship in this world.
To become Abraham is to live with the word of God as life.
The way the world lives is different. The Word of God is the food that gives us life day by day.
It means not to live for yourself, but to become the father of faith.
Do not live as Abram, but live as Abraham. Abraham means noble father, but Abraham means father of nations. Jesus' disciples also called themselves to the front line for the kingdom of God when all of them worked hard for their work and their families. The way to become Abraham is to get out of the small citizen who lived for himself and his family, go out to the country and the people, and live as a servant who works for the kingdom of God.
What He said to be Abraham was to become an eternal inheritance.
The corporations of the world cannot become permanent corporations. Abraham left Ur of the Chaldeans at the age of 75 and lived under the guidance of God, but he still did not understand the deep will of God and thought of Ishmael, the son of flesh and blood. The people of God who have been called by God should not look to the inheritance of the earth, but to inherit God, faith, and faith. The content of today's text is that God called Abraham, who would end his worldly life in the genealogy of natural people, and wanted to establish the kingdom of God. . God appears to Abraham again and commands him to live as “Abraham”. As Christians, we believe that we have been called by God as the second Abraham. I hope that we do not desire only worldly things, but live as “Abraham,” that is, a Christian, in accordance with the sublime will of God.