Title Before Winter Comes...
Ecclesiastes 7
7. Covetousness makes a wise man foolish, and a bribe destroys a man's understanding.
8. The end of a matter is better than the beginning, and patience is better than a proud heart.
9. Do not be angry with your heart, for anger stays in the bosom of fools
10. Don't say, "Why are the old days better than today?" It is not wisdom to ask this.
11. Wisdom is beautiful as an inheritance, and it is profitable to those who see the sun.
12. Wisdom is a protection, and money is a protection, but knowledge is more beautiful, because wisdom preserves the life of those who have gained it.
13. Look at the works of God, who can straighten what God has crooked?
14. Rejoice in the days of prosperity, and think in the days of trouble. God has put these two things together, so that no one can fathom their future, so that they do not know it.
2 Timothy 4
13. When you come, bring with you the cloak that I have left in the house of Troas, and bring the books specially written on leather paper.
14. Alexander the coppersmith has done me much harm, and the Lord will repay him according to what he has done.
15. Beware of him too, for he has been very rebellious against our words.
16. When I made my first excuse, no one was with me, and all of them have forsaken me, but I do not want them to blame them
17. The Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that the word of evangelism might be fully preached through me, and that the Gentiles might hear it, and I delivered it from the lion's mouth.
18. The Lord will deliver me from all evil and will save me to enter his kingdom; to him be the glory forever and ever, Amen.
19. Greet the house of Prisca and Aquila and Onesiphorus.
20. Erastus dwelt in Corinth, and Trophimus was ill in Miletus.
21. Come before winter, and Ubulus, Bude, Reno, Claudia, and all the brothers greet you.
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Subject: Before Winter Comes...
Text: Ecclesiastes 7:7-14, 2 Timothy 4:13-21,
The journal for 2002 said that the meaning of the meeting between the apostle Paul and Timothy was that they longed for fellowship through the word of God, not just meeting people. He said that the power to overcome the evil world is faith in Jesus Christ (1 John 5:4), and God's channel through which that faith is supplied is the Bible (2 Timothy 3:15). It was a message containing a request for preparation for reading the Bible and memorizing it. Let's not lose the opportunity, saying, "If you have received a letter from the sermon in 2003, you should read it first." said practice. And how did Timothy react when he received such an urgent letter from his teacher? I guessed. I thought I would have run. Mark also recalled the past (Acts 15:36-41) and said that he must have accompanied him.
‘Before winter comes…’ Winter is not an option. This is a required course. However, the winter of human history is not always predictable like the laws of nature. to whom? when? how? It may come unexpectedly without any prior notice. As the expression ‘in the middle of the night is not,’ as you can see, it can come like a rude intruder without any notice. Even if you have been thinking about what to prepare and how to prepare, you are bound to panic. This does not mean that preparation is not required. Like air defense training, it is recommended that you practice with a virtual bandit from time to time. The Bible is not an option for this training course. It is a must among the essentials. We need to be close to the Bible and the people with whom we can share it. We must take advantage of the opportunity of fellowship through the Word. Therefore, faith, love, and the Word are tasks for now and here.