Title Blessed are you / Luke 6:20-26
Content Let us be blessed / Luke 6:20-26
Key Verse: “Jesus lifted up his eyes and saw his disciples, saying, Blessed are the poor, for yours is the kingdom of God” (verse 20).
Today's sermon is about 'blessings and woes', which can be said to be the first of the sermons known to have been given on the plain. It means that we are directly expressing ourselves as 'poor' or 'rich' without any other modifiers. However, these conditions do not simply mean that 'human economic class' itself determines the limitations or unconditionality of salvation. Even more so, the ultimate purpose of Jesus' coming was not simply to overturn the current position of mankind.
Regarding the 'poor', which is the key to solving these problems, you can already know by quoting the words of Isaiah 61:1 in 4:18. They refer to the 'remnant' in Isaiah. I am referring to those who are disadvantaged by society, who are loyal to God and who have rebelled to keep their faith. In other words, the 'poor' refers to the 'Godly poor', which must be understood in the context of the book of Isaiah. In other words, their situation is their solution. He is speaking to those who acknowledge that they are beyond their power and depend only on God. The expression 'because of the Son of Man' in verse 22 proves that this understanding is correct. After all, the 'poor in spirit' spoken of in Matthew's Gospel. It can be found that there is no significant difference between the meaning of
It is from this angle that we need to understand the 'blessed people' and 'woeful ones'. First, if you look at the 'blessed ones' in verses 20-23, they are 'the poor, the hungry, and the weeping'. They are the 'poor people' who believe that they have no choice but to depend on God because they are corrupt, 'hungry' for righteousness who strive to live a righteous life, and 'weep' who repent and 'weep' to God because of their own shortcomings and sins. They are people who suffer. They are saying that those who live such a life are the object of God's blessing.
In contrast, 'woe to them' in verses 24-26 are 'the rich, the full, and the smirking'. You can say that they do not need anything else and that they are proud before God. They are people who are popular with people in the world. They say that those who live such a life will ultimately be angry with God.
It is important how we live our life of faith. The mere fact of attending church does not guarantee our blessings. Rather, our relationship with God determines our blessings and woes.
Prayer: God, thank you for giving us today's Word so that we can become blessed people. Help us to live in poverty and hunger for righteousness before the Lord today, following your power. Name of Jesus Pray with. Amen.
Lord's Prayer