Title Blessing Conditions
2007.01.21 Word
Deuteronomy 28:1 ~ 28:1
Blessing is (hi = braka), meaning blessing, source of blessing, gift, peace agreement, and this (hi = barak) kneels. Blessed. It is derived from greeting.
The source of the blessing in this verse is that God blesses him as Barazoel.
Genesis 1:22 God blessed them and said, Be fruitful and multiply. Hebrews 6:14 I will surely bless and bless you and multiply you and multiply you (God bless you)
Romans 15:29 I know that when I go out to you, I will carry the full blessings of Christ with me. (Jesus is the Giver of blessings.)
Therefore, the source of blessing is God, and God blesses us, and there are conditions to receive blessings.
First, we must listen to the word of God. (1 Verse 1)
In the Old Testament times, God's words were spoken by God Himself. But he spoke mostly through people.
Therefore, he warned that if the messenger reduces the Word, it is subtracted from the blessing, and if you add freely other than the Word, it will be added to all disasters.
Revelation 22:18-19 I testify to every one who hears the words of the prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; If you do, God will take away your participation in the tree of life and the holy city that are written in this book.
The sin of contempt for the Word of God is to commit contempt for the authority of God.
Adam and Eve sinned by changing the word according to their own good (Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:3).
Listening to God's word is a command from God. (Deuteronomy 27:9-10) Be quiet (verse 9). Listening to God's word is not a free choice.
You must absolutely listen to the Word of God.
Second, all commands must be obeyed and carried out (in verse 1).
All the commandments are what we hear and do in Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
1. We must engrave the Word of God in our hearts (verse 6).
In other words, we must remember God's Word clearly and reveal God's will in all our emotions and meanings.
2. We must diligently teach the Word of God to our children (verse 7).
Parents should conduct thorough religious education at home so that their children can keep and practice the word of life.
3. The word of God must always be preached (verse 7).
The Word of God should be the center of conversation at home and in society, and should be taught and understood by those who do not know the Word of God.
4. You must use the word of God as a sign (with your intention). That is, the Word of God should guide all actions (verse 8).
5. The Word of God should be the principle and standard of all thoughts, plans, and judgments.
6. We must always apply the Word of God in our lives. It should be placed at the center of life (verse 9).
We cannot live a righteous life apart from the Word of God. Please do not lean to the left or the right, obey God's word, establish a right relationship with God, and excel above all nations in the world. (Exaltation)
Conclusion God's blessings are true blessings. Hearing the word of God is a command from God. I pray that you will receive and enjoy eternal and earthly blessings by listening to God's word and obeying God's commands.