Title Blessing Saints
Title: Blessed Saints
Bible: Ephesians 4:1-3
Starting Point of the Word>>
Yesterday we had a sermon under the title of “Saints who are used as instruments of blessing,” and today we would like to share with you under the title of “Blessed saints.”
In addition, this week, we are going to share a message with the theme of “blessing”.
In an area where water is scarce, a king discovered a source of living water and dug a well.
The king was overjoyed and satisfied, so that the people could not even come near the living water.
But not long after that, the fountain ran dry.
The king ordered the scholars to come together to find out the reason.
And the scholars who studied the cause of the dry source of water agreed that it was because they did not use a lot of water.
One of them said that the king could preserve quality living water only if the king opened the spring water to the people and drank it together.
After much deliberation, the king ordered that the spring water be used in the palace during the day and that the people use it from sunset to sunrise.
Then, the spring water was very good water at night, but during the day, sediment was formed and a strange phenomenon occurred.
The king had no choice but to share the water with the people and drink.
We must agree with the meaning of this illustration.
As saints, we must put others first and live a life of blessing.
At that time, there will be abundance.
God has already given us God's great blessings, and now He wants us to use it as a 'blessing channel' that gives us that blessing.
If I have received God's blessing, now I must become a saint who blesses others.
Today, I pray in the name of the Lord that all the saints will become channels of blessing that can share the blessings we have received with many people.
Go to Word>>
So, what should we do when we need to bless others?
First, we must bless with a sense of duty.
In order for believers to enrich their faith life, we must act in a way that is worthy of the will of our Maker.
Mission means precious and blessed work that God has entrusted to His people.
Just because many people in the world think that we can only sleep on our own, we who have become saints should not expect only me to do well.
We must bless our neighbors with a sense of mission.
A shop owner visited his master and told him about his worries that a large chain store had opened up across the street and he was in ruins.
As a result, he feared that if his family lost the store he had been protecting for 10 years, he would be ruined because he had no other skills.
Then the master gave this advice:
“If you fear the chain store owner, you will hate him, and that hatred will cause you to ruin, so go out every morning and bless your store, then turn around and bless the chain across the street.”
Hearing this, the owner of the store had no choice but to return home and put it into practice.
But six months after the blessing began, something very surprising happened.
The owner of the store comes back to his master and tells him that something strange has happened that he takes over the store.
In a life that blesses others, there is such comfort from God.
As saints, we must become saints who bless people with God's blessings from a different perspective from the world.
When the grace of blessing comes to us as a mission, we can truly bless them, not for me.
I hope that we will become believers who remember that God still calls us and wants us to be used as instruments of blessing.
Second, we must bless with an attitude of acceptance.
We must tolerate one another with humility and meekness.
A person with a meek heart does not blame God.
A person with a meek heart has no hair.
If we look at verse 2 of today's text,
“With all humility and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love”
There is no one in this world without faults.
Of course, this does not mean that it can be misused to commit crimes and mistakes.
However, when we make mistakes, we need to correct each other and forgive each other.
Not long ago, a young man named Park Jae-beom, a member of 2PM, had to leave for the United States because he posted Korean hate speech.
He is of Korean blood, but he was born and raised in the United States.
He came to Korea 4 years ago to become a singer and suffered a lot since he was a trainee.
However, the article was posted on the Internet by some people not long ago, and many information media reported that he was degrading to Korea, and it was sad to see him leaving for the United States four days after the report was published.
I don't know much about this singer.
However, one sad thing is that, leaving behind the difficulties that surrounded him, he was sent away from our country forever through the writings of the time he was in trouble.
If the people who drove him out and the knights had known the word “acceptance,” as Paul said, the result might have been different now.
We are to bless others with an attitude of forbearance of one another.
Correction must be done in blessing, and reproof must also be done in blessing.
Blessings should be done with the gentleness of wisdom.
Selfish blessings or good deeds create a pretense.
It is full of hypocrisy and hypocrisy.
We must do good deeds and blessings for the benefit of others.
Therefore, there is a need for mutual acceptance.
Third, we must bless for the unity of peace.
The reason why the saints should be united is that the basic elements of the church are all one.
That is, because there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God.
Therefore, it is right for the saints to ‘make every effort to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit through the bond of peace’.
There was an old emperor in China.
The Emperor has set and emphasized the national goal of conquering the enemy on the outskirts and annihilating all the people of the enemy country.
Finally, he annihilated the enemy and captured the king and his ministers.
But the king treated the enemy prisoners of war, and finally got to eat and joke around.
Feeling anxious, the servants turned to the emperor, worried, and declared a breakup with the enemy, admonishing him to be killed.
Then the emperor said that they had been annihilated for a long time and made them friends.
The king said that conquering even the hearts of the people of the enemy country and making them one was the real victory.
As saints, we must become saints who can fulfill this role of peace well.
There should be peace where you are, and if there are resentments and complaints, they will be channels of resentment and complaints, not blessings.
Therefore, no matter how much damage has been done to me, even if it is so hard that I can't see it because I hate it, I should rather pray for them and become a saint who can pray for them and for their peace of mind.
At the end of the speech>>
Organize your words.
We are children of faith who have already been blessed by God.
God has blessed us and now wants to use us as channels of blessing.
The first thing to remember when we bless is to remember that blessing is a mission that God has entrusted to us.
And whether it suits us or not, we must bless with an attitude of acceptance, and through our blessings, a wonderful work of peace must occur.
Today, we pray in the name of the Lord that you will have a precious and blessed day when we are used as saints to bless while thinking about the Word.