Title Bubble Faith (Acts 5:1-11)
Bubble faith (Acts 5:1-11)
There is a term in economic terms called bubble economy. On the surface, it seems like a huge boom, but in reality, it is a comparison of the unprecedented economic situation that is vulnerable. Contrary to reality, the over-expanded, imaginary economy that appears outwardly is the bubble economy. Some goods are traded at an overestimation than their actual value. This overestimation is due to human expectations and greed. That is why the value of goods keeps forming bubbles. However, bubbles do not last indefinitely, but there are risks and problems. Bubbles rise and fall. Bubbles don't last forever.
Bubbles are bound to go out someday. The global phenomenon these days is that this bubble is being removed from all sides and the bubble is dissipating. It is a world where reality is heard. No more bubbles. Foam must be removed. We need a real life without bubbles. Hearings held in the National Assembly of Korea have a negative side, and some are asking why, but in that it is an opportunity to remove the bubble covering key appointed persons, it is a very good system.
I hope today will be a blessed time to get rid of the bubbles in me through this time. Whether it be faith, economics, knowledge, emotional, whatever it is, we hope to be able to remove the bubble.
A church can have a bubble church, and a revival can also have a bubble revival. When the bubble is removed, the church has little left, and when the bubble disappears, there is nothing left. Such a revival is a bubble church and a bubble revival. This bubble church and bubble revival does not help the social moral consciousness or moral level. It is only harmful and useless. That is why at least we should wish for a bubble-free life. And our church should be a church without bubbles, revival without bubbles.
Faith also has bubble beliefs. Paranoid beliefs are bubble beliefs. Belief that thinks of oneself righteously, shows off one's self and falls into self-comfort is bubble faith.
In a mental hospital, a mentally ill patient suddenly stood up and said, “I am God.” Then the psychopath next to him said, "I never appointed you as God." There are a lot of megalomaniac patients in this world. There are many false prophets and false powers everywhere. There are many poor people who cannot discern it and follow and follow it. Even this bubble belief will eventually come a day when the bubble will burst.
Sometimes, when dealing with members attending large churches, there are times when I think that I shouldn't do that. My faith is not even that small, but it often makes me think that I am just pretending to be a tiger. Seeing them arrogant while mistakenly thinking that the size of the church is the size of their faith, makes me think that there are a lot of bubbles. And whenever I saw such a figure, I felt like I was seeing the true face of the bubble faith of the hypocrisy.
distorted beliefs. Distorted offices, distorted truths, these are all bubbles.
It is hot and glamorous on the outside, and they say “God’s grace,” “grace,” and “I believe” with their mouths, but the faith of the members of the church who commits sins like eating rice cannot but be a bubble of faith. A faith that insists on a self-centered life while saying that they live centered on God cannot be a bubble faith. A lot of office holders and a lot of church members seem to be rich and good believers, but how good would it be if they were in reality? We must not forget that there are people who seem free on the outside but are actually prisoners of sin.
Just as the end of the bubble economy is the collapse of the economy, the end of bubble faith is spiritual death.
Today's text introduces the representative people of the bubble faith of the early church.
Those people were not others, but Ananias and Sapphira.
Ananias and Sapphira's sin was not because they were outside the church. In other words, it was not the sin of not believing in the Lord. He was a member of the church and was a saint. The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was not that they refused to give an offering. He was a person who gave more than others.
The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was the sin of giving a part and pretending to give the whole. It was a sin of hypocrisy, and it was an attitude to show things that were not really as if they were real, as if they had done everything they did not actually do.
Their beliefs were in a bubble.
Wouldn't it be nice if either Ananias and Sapphira had the wisdom to give advice like this? But to perish, the couple must be the same. If the husband is a little vain, even the wife should not do it, and if the wife is unfaithful, even the husband will be able to avoid his anger if he is faithful.
We should think about how harshly our Lord criticized those who pretended to be godly. Those who listened to the harsh criticism and reaped the bubbles were saved. However, those who live comfortably in the bubble to the end will be on the road to destruction.
Matthew 6:1 says, “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of men in order to be seen by them, or you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”
I am worried that there will be people who thought about this text superficially today and wondered if God was too much.
However, this case is an exemplary case that shows just how great the danger of bubbles is. The act of Ananias and Sapphire was more like propaganda. God does not require our propaganda beliefs, He wants our sincere faith.
All saints! Bubbles never last long. A deceived building never lasts. We are always tempted by this temptation. Can't it look like you've done a lot with less? Can't we spend less money and make it look like a lot of money? Unlike reality, we are often tempted to inflate.
We Christians must fight this temptation to the point of shedding blood. I hope that we can fight and win against sin to the point of shedding blood. I believe that I will have to fight and overcome this temptation of bubble faith until I shed blood. The Lord does not want bubble faith and bubble personality, but He wants reality even though it is small.