Title Come Help Us / Acts 16:1-10
Come and help us/Acts 16:1-10
Today's text corresponds to the first part of Paul's second missionary journey. The second missionary journey is in Chapter 18.
It continues until verse 22, and the third journey is recorded from 18:23 to 21:17.
Paul leaves the Antioch church with Silas and stops at Lystra and Derbe, which he had stopped by on his first trip.
In terms of time, it was the first time in 5 years. Five years ago, Paul came to Lystra and preached the gospel.
He suffered a lot of persecution at that time, and in the midst of this, he established a church. But here's a young Chris
meet cloth. Today's verse 1 reads, 'Paul also came to Derbe and Lystra, and there he called Timothy.
I am there,' he said. The word “disciple” here means Paul’s disciple, but believe in Jesus and believe in Jesus more than that.
It refers to following Christians.
Timothy had only believed for five years, but he was a man of great faith and a disciple. of course he's young
Seodo was a person who inherited the Bible and pure faith in God from her mother and grandmother.
That is to say, his father was Greek and his mother was a Jew. When Paul met him,
It would have been fun and enjoyable. Timothy means 'the glory of God', and he was truly the son of Paul's faith.
They became the children of the family and formed a special relationship to the point of becoming an heir. in our home, church, and society.
There is nothing more important than raising good people and raising successors.
In verse 2 of today's text, it says, 'Timothy is a man praised by the brethren in Lystra and Iconium.'
All. Timothy was courageous, adventurous, strong and daring. Timothy
In II 2:4, there is a saying, 'I long to see you for the sake of your tears'. he is willful
It seems that he was more emotional and fearful than this. In 1 Timothy 4:12 we read, “Your youth.
There is a saying, 'Do not let them despise you', and in 1 Corinthians 16:10, 'Timothy said,
Beware, all of you, that he may be among you without fear.' shy by nature
One cannot understand how burdensome it is to witness the Word in front of many people. Timothy
He had a rather shy personality.
But he had a very beautiful faith. Pure and beautiful inherited from mother and maternal grandmother
He had a godly faith and learned to read and learn the Word of God from an early age. Above all, the community
He was a respected and trusted person. To be a leader, you must earn respect and trust from people.
There must be sincerity and character.
It is more difficult for a person to be praised in my hometown. But Timothy was praised at home. Timothy
Above all else, he had the attitude of a servant to serve. This is manifested in loyalty and devotion. God
It is he who has the spirit and attitude of this servant who delights in reading this.
In particular, in verses 6-10 of today's text, we read that the truth that completely changed the history of the world and Europe over the past 2,000 years
Important historical events are recorded in Cheongnago as well. This event is completely in the history of Christian missionary work.
It was a turning point that opened a new chapter.
In verse 6 of today's text, it says: 'Forbid the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia.
'he said. Even on the second missionary journey, Paul went to the region where he preached the gospel on the first missionary journey.
He wanted and planned to preach the gospel. But the Spirit of God interrupted the plan. twice this
I, his plans were thwarted. Here we can see the difference between man's plan and God's plan. woo
Lee is going to do things by our own master plan. But God is God to us
You are asking to follow God's master plan.
Everyone! God's work is done when my will is done and my thoughts and plans are done.
Don't get me wrong. It's okay if you can't get on your way and get stuck in what you were doing. What matters is God's plan
How fully I devote my life to my work and how I give glory to God.
nya is important
Paul obeyed the revelation and work of the Holy Spirit. As he passed through Mysia and went down to Troas, he had a vision that a Macedonian should come and help us. I hope that you too can see the visions of God. What are you looking at? It matters what we see. Our lives are shaped by what we see. There is a saying that 'dogs always see only something'. What do you look at every day? Like Lot, I want to be able to choose and make decisions looking far ahead, like Abraham, rather than looking only at the fertile land of the present and making decisions. It doesn't end with just looking. You have to go towards what you see. must act and practice. In particular, after seeing a Macedonian cry in a vision to come and help us, Paul and his companions went there to help. It wasn't just words that helped. directly put into action. God is still calling us. He is telling us to go to a place where the suffering Macedonians cry out to help by giving our time, money, and talents.