Title David's view of faith (1 Kings 2:1~3)
Content David's view of faith (1 Kings 2:1~3)
Of all the words of a person's lifetime, perhaps the most honest and important words left before death. So, a person's will is an important data for evaluating that person.
In the text, David gave his will to Solomon, who would succeed him as king of Israel, on matters of faith and governing the country. At this time, we would like to share the grace of David with the words of his view of faith.
1. David Prepared for Death (2)
(I am now walking the path of everyone in the world...)
Someone asked the ancient philosopher Plato, 'What is life?
Plato replied, 'Life is an exercise in death'. It is a case in which the meaning of life and death is clearly revealed.
Everyone in the world, regardless of age or gender, goes the same way after a certain period of time. It is the death of the body when the life of the body has come to an end. Horace said, "The limit that the power and wealth of this world cannot overcome, that is death."
Dear saints! We come to the following conclusion.
David did not fear or panic in the face of death; he did not say that death came to me, but said, "I walk toward death."
2. David who wanted to possess the faith of the chief executive (2b)
(You work hard to become a boss...)
This is David's will. In David's brief will, we feel the harvest of great believers. After all, great people are great in their lives, but the wills they leave behind are great. If you look at the will he gave to his son, it is a will to become a general manager. Daejangbu means a manly man. Daejangbu here means a person with courage, wisdom and faith.
Dear saints! In order to become a godly leader, you must strive to attend church, to pray, to give thanks, to serve, and to evangelize. Solomon will be the ruler.
As a person who will become the ruler of a country, if you are obedient, intolerant, or timid, you will inevitably be disqualified as a ruler. A general ledger can be a great ruler, a junior ledger cannot be a great ruler
3. David who keeps the commandments of God and walks in that way (3)
The meaning of this word is to live righteously. In order to live upright, you must have the right standards. A person who lives by stealing keeps stealing because he doesn't think the theft is bad. The problem is the standard of life. What should we standardize in order to live righteously? It is the word and commandment of God.
Dear saints! Today, in this age, injustice, injustice, and lawlessness prevail.
In our age, there is no one who wants to see what to see and who to see and live right away.
At such times, if you live by the word of God as a standard, you will have a prosperous life.