Title Deuteronomy 23:15~25 (2011.5.13)
Title: The Ethics of Life of the Holy People
Main text: (Deuteronomy 23:15~25)
Hymns: 302. My Lord God, the broad and great grace
Date: May 13, 2011 (Fri) 5 am
Venue: Jeonju Yebut Church Small Worship Room
God has given man freedom and rights. However, if you use it carelessly, it loses its original meaning. We must use our God-given rights, abilities, and freedoms in the right direction and in the right way. Through this text, we will look at the ethics of life that the holy people should aim for.
1. Help those in crisis (verses 15-16)
What would you do if someone's servant ran to us to escape the crisis? Before judging right from wrong, the Bible tells him to first give him shelter and help him escape from his fears and fears. Judgment should be rationalized after the emotional storm has passed. The reason we do this is because anyone can encounter unexpected things. We may be in crisis. Jesus said that anyone who asks to go 5 li should go 10 li with him. Paul treated Onesimus, a servant who ran away from Philemun, with love and taught the Word. I hope that you will become a saint who uses the standard of mercy before the standard of judgment.
2. Offer a holy gift (verses 17-18)
The history of spears goes back to ancient times. Sexual desire and indulgence are deep-rooted and old. God hates sexual indulgence outside the boundaries of the home. He also hates to use God-given body as a means to earn money. Because it exhausts the soul as well as the human body. We are to offer holy and unblemished gifts to God. It is a defilement of the temple to offer as a gift of a gain obtained in an unjust way to relieve guilt or to reveal one's name. Rather than the amount, the process and method of preparation should be holy and without blemish. Please remember the Lord's instruction in commending the poor widow's money. As much as possible, please give God a clean and sincere gift. God is pleased with holy gifts.
3. Monetary Transactions and Promises (verses 19-23)
The Bible forbids the payment of interest between brothers and sisters. This is because they see it as borrowing money to make a living. However, in business relationships with other ethnic groups, you may receive interest on the principal. This is because the purpose of borrowing money is to make a profit. But even in this case, usury is prohibited. It also commands us to keep our vows to God. A vow is a promise made to God. Promises made with God must be kept. Because God is faithful. To emphasize the importance of oaths, the Bible commands us not to swear arbitrarily. God remembers our vows and prayers. Please don't be a fool who uses God for the desires of your heart.
(Verses 24-25)
In addition, the Bible commands that you can go into someone else's vineyard and eat fruit, but not to put it in a bowl. Freedom must be achieved within the scope of protecting the life of the community and of others. We must see if the exercise of our rights does not cross this line.
1. Let us live as holy people of the Lord!
2. Send the warriors of intercession, so that the flames of intercession may be kindled!
3. Heal the weak and restore the fullness of the Holy Spirit!