Title Discern the Spirit (IV)
The text is Hebrews 1:14.
When God calls, angels make them serve God and the saints. (Hebrews 1:14) Man is a spirit that God blesses (Genesis 1:28). Angels are the ministering spirits of God. When they come to earth by God's command, they serve the heirs who will be saved. Angels created ten million at once (Daniel 7:10, Psalm 68:17), but man created only “the first man, Adam”. Mal 2:15 says, “God was full of spirit, but did he not create only one, and why did he create only one, so that he might obtain godly offspring.”
Angels in today's text are spirits that serve God and are sent by God. Hebrews 1:14 “Is not he sent to serve for those who will be saved?” Angels help those who believe. However, it is not unconditional help, but when we live according to God's word, when we obey commands, when we follow His will, we help in God's plan.
For example, if a saint who believes that an angel helps us, sits at a gambling board and plays, will he know the opponent's card? no. On the contrary, since the devil likes gambling boards, only spirituality will be lost and all wealth will be lost. I hope you realize. If so, when and who to help?
Acts 10:1 - There is a story about Cornelius, a man who lives a godly life according to the word of God. Cornelius was a Gentile, not a Jew, but his whole family served God well. He feared God more than the Jews and lived a life that pleased God with good deeds. Verse 4 “The angel said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up as a remembrance before God.” The angel asks Peter in Joppa to hear what he has to say.
Dan 10:14 - He appeared to give an answer to Daniel's prayer. If an angel of God wants to help, I hope that you will live a godly life and be a person of prayer.
Luke 22:43 - When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, an angel of God came down from heaven to help Jesus. You will see that the drops of sweat you work harder and pray more become like drops of blood. You can see that just because you go to church in moderation doesn't mean you can help.
In Jude 1, when Moses passed away, the archangel Michael came. However, the devil has also come. There is a scene where they fight over the body of Moses. Even the Lord's servants can have conflicts between the devil and angels. If your life of faith is not upright, you may fall into the works of the devil. We must thoroughly become people of prayer. When we obey like Abraham, when we fulfill our mission like Moses, when we love God like Daniel, and when we pray like Elijah, God sends angels to help and work.
In Exodus 14:19, God's messenger (angel) and the pillar of cloud appear. Pillars of cloud and fire are usually phenomena that appear in everyday life, and an angel is working behind them. That is to say that God sent an angel to work. So, all night long Pharaoh's army could not approach. Just as the devil works behind the serpent in Genesis 3 that tricks Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, just as the devil works behind the scenes when Cain kills his younger brother Abel, on the contrary, God is behind God protecting the Israelites with a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire. You can see that the angels from God are working.
It is beneficial for the saints to become a person of prayer, a person of obedience, and a person of the Holy Spirit so that the angels help them a lot. The more angels help you, the more powerful you become. Because angels are angels of power.
Finally, there are the Holy Spirit-filled saints among the beneficial spirits. (Believing Spirit)
In the name of the Lord, I pray in the name of the Lord that you will become saints filled with the Holy Spirit, saints who are helped by God's angels, and saints who are gracious, defeat evil spirits of darkness, and radiate the good influence of Jesus Christ.