Title Do you want peace?
Bible: Philippians 4:6-9
Title: Do You Want Peace?
The text teaches the secret of a life that the saints can always rejoice in (Philippians 4:4).
Rejoice in you always, I say again, rejoice.")
There is.
1. What is peace?
In Philippians 4:7, 9, the same words are found: the peace of God and the God of peace. peace
The etymological meaning (eirene, eijrhvnh) means peace or stillness or unity.
1) Looking at this peace in the biblical history, it was lost because of original sin (Genesis 3:). peace
The opposite of is anxiety, fear and confusion. In the beginning, Adam and Eve were forbidden by God.
As we ate the fruit in the center of the Garden of Eden, we were overcome with unexpected fear and fear.
He hid from the face (Genesis 3:10).
2) People seek stability and happiness through money and fame in order to find this peace and a happy life.
is basic, but human history has created religion (mainly beginning to rely on nature, Genesis 3:
8) Peace of mind through music, education, and time of meditation and meditation
try to have
A general naturalistic religion can be peaceful while setting true goals in life.
can't make it exist. There must be a somewhat possible way to achieve peace.
Isaiah 48:22 "There is no peace with the wicked, says the LORD."
2. How to Get True Peace
What the successive suicide riots of high-ranking executives in Korea show these days is that honor and money are happiness.
It is conclusive evidence that we are not responsible for the value of peace and harmony.
Ezekiel 7:19 “They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be like a gift, because the LORD
In the day of my wrath their silver and gold cannot deliver them; they cannot deliver their spirits.
for they do not satisfy themselves or fill their intestines, but they fall into iniquity."
1) The Bible tells us that in order to become people we can always rejoice and live, we
I encourage you to pray for all your worries.
Text, Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication
Make it known to God with thanksgiving, and the peace of God that transcends all understanding
He will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
*In the agony of sin, Jacob prayed and found peace (Genesis 32:).
*Jesus' disciple Iscariot and Judas did not repent of the painful conscience that sold him the teacher, but repented and suffered.
Peter, who committed suicide, but perhaps a worse traitor, wept and died.
became a ram.
2) If you live according to God's will, there will be peace.
Text, Philippians 4:9 "Do what you have learned from me, and what you have received and heard and seen, and you will find peace
will be with you"
After becoming a believer, follow God's will in your daily life.
means peace. Living according to God's will is in the grace of the blood of Christ.
It is to apply the teachings of the book to your life.
*Israel was destroyed to formalize and humanize the sacrifices in the temple.
3. If there is peace, we live a life of power
If you read from verse 10 of this chapter, what will happen when the saints live in the world when peace is created like this?
That is to say, we can become self-sufficient in any circumstance (verse 11).
A person who can live righteously without being proud or frustrated by circumstances, whether rich or poor
that it will be In verse 13, Philippians 4:13 says, “I have all
You can do anything."
With a table in mind, this verse is misinterpreted to create a so-called positive mindset.
You have to understand it to be interpreted.
The saints have the dynamism of life, which through prayer and the practice of the evangelical life,
It is possible when peace comes. His power is beyond what the world can bear (Hebrews 11:28).
) will be Much patience is the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), almost apostolic faith.
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2 Corinthians 12:12 “The sign of the apostle is that I am among you with all patience and signs and wonders and might
It is the work of might.” Note that here clearly there is a distinction between all patience and the works of power.
you have to Do you know how much faith is required to be patient?
Being able to be patient and wait and pray for is more important than working any miracle
Do you want peace? Pray. And no matter how deceitful the world is, God is
There is the blessing of reaping what you sow to those who live according to it. and dignified dynamic
I pray that you will become a person who can lead a dynamic life.
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